Open Courses
General information
The Open Courses system is a platform for the publication of freely accessible courses created at the University of Innsbruck.
Date of launch: Friday, 8.3.2023
Course participation: Courses can be attended either with a University of Innsbruck account or a self-created login.
Course creation: In order to create or publish courses on Open Courses, access must be requested via mail to We are looking forward to new courses!
Soon you will find information on this page about:
- What are MOOCs? Here you will find an overview of how to create MOOCs and which university services and tools are available to you for this purpose.
- How do I publish on Open Courses? Here you will find a step-by-step guide on how to publish freely accessible courses on Open Courses
- The University of Innsbruck and Open Educational Resources (OER): Here you will find tools and support services offered by the University of Innsbruck for the creation and use of Open Educational Resources (OER).

Not yet familiar with OpenOlat? Then our HelpCards will help you! Click on this link to get a more detailed introduction to the system.

Write to us!
If you have any questions or would like to register your interest or requirements, please do not hesitate to send us an e-mail!