Research Group - Ecosystems and Landscape Ecology

The Research Group Ecosystem and Landscape Ecology integrates relevant ecological disciplines and methods (soil and vegetation science, hydrology, micrometeorology, remote sensing, spatial statistics, ecological and geo-statistical modelling) to analyse ecosystem functions and services across spatial and temporal scales. Beneath systematic survey and monitoring of fundamental data, experiments and modelling of global change impacts on biodiversity, catchment yield, natural hazards risk and land-use/land-cover are conducted.

Research activities mainly take place in four subject areas, integrating ecosystem and landscape level (experimental and modelled) with the following research objectives: (i) LUCC, historical and current land use/cover change (LUCC) in the Alps and scenario development; (ii) Ecosystem Services, consequences of LUCC on ecosystem functions and services; (iii) Biogeochemical Cycles: impacts of global change on carbon and water balance of mountain grasslands; (iv) Sustainability, develop, test and implement sustainable monitoring systems at local and regional scale (human-environmental decision support systems). The central strategy of the research group is based on a wide and interdisciplinary understanding of ecological processes and functions as prerequisite to evaluate and model impacts of global change. The international collaborations and lead or participation in several international (EU: ERA-net, INTERREG) and national research projects guarantee cutting-edge research in mountain environments. The cooperation with disciplines from social and human sciences, statistics, and engineering attests the interdisciplinary dimension of the research group.

Group Members


Tom Abraham
Jasmin Andergassen
Ivan Blaas
Niklas Christanell
Valentina Corieri
Veerle Dezutter
Simon Eisele
Claudia Elwes
Theresa Gernand
Anita Giacomozzi
Gernot Haberer
Eva Claudia Hochmuth
Laura Krasa
Wolfgang Krumböck
Marie Leitner
Magdalena Lutz
Sebastan Nied
Felician Nöth
Juliane Probst
Peter Punt
Andreas Sapelza
Dinah Schredl
Nina-Maria Sophie Schrettl
Jasmin Senoner
Veronika Settles
Vinzenz Wörle
Alba Álvarez Camacho (EMMA)
Luca Cola (EMMA)
Anika Degasperi (EMMA)
Isabelle Heinen (EMMA)
Romina Lavarello (co-EMMA)
Daniel Pilz (EMMA)
Laurenz Reschberger (co-EMMA)
Ekaterina Timofeeva (co-EMMA)

Previous Group Members

Matteo Anderle, PhD; Lena Marie Müller, PhD; Anna-Lena Neunteufel, MSc, Ananda Defrance (Intern Summer 2023), Simon Tscholl, PhD, Hieronymus Jäger, PhD, Elia Guariento, PhD, Martin Leupold, MSc, Uta Schirpke, PhD, Alberto Scotti, PhD, Brenda Zoderer, PhD, Nikolaus Obojes PhD, Sarah Kerle MSc, Katharina Antonie Schneider (Projekt AlpES), Claude Meisch DI (Projekt AlpES), Marina Kohler PhD, Veronika Fontana PhD, Georg Frenck PhD, Jacob Dein (Fulbright U.S. Student, Okt 2015-Jul 2016), Georg Johann Lair DI Dr., Laura Bischof MSc, Michael Heinl DI Dr., Ute Krainer (Szukics) Dr., Dagmar Rubatscher Dr.

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