SINGER Gabriel Mag. Dr., Univ.-Prof.
University of Innsbruck
Department of Ecology
Head of Research Group: Fluvial Ecosystem Ecology
Technikerstraße 25, Room 501
A-6020 Innsbruck
I am a stream and river ecosystem ecologist who doesn't stop when the channel falls dry or the water stops flowing. To understand how rivers shape the global carbon cycle, one has to understand their linkages to the terrestrial landscape and appreciate the full diversity of habitats along the aquatic continuum. Riding their waves helps, too. My research is dedicated to fluvial organic matter dynamics and how it may be linked to aquatic biodiversity. I have a bit of an obsession with dissolved organic matter, but ecology is too interesting to not look outside the box at every chance. My fascination for fluvial ecology is married with a concern about what we may lose if we keep treating rivers as we do now.