Holger Bonin

econ.­s­tat lec­ture: Hol­ger Bonin

econ.stat lecture: Holger Bonin

Institution: Institute for Advanced Studies Vienna

Date: March 05, 2025 @ 17:00, Kaiser-Leopold-Saal, Karl-Rahner-Platz 3

Title: Altenrepublik Österreich? Wirksame Sozial- und Wirtschaftspolitik gegen den demografischen Druck


Professor Holger Bonin has been Director at the Institute for Advanced Studies Viena (IHS) since July 2023. Previously, the economist was Research Director of the Institute for the Future of Labor (IZA) and taught economics with a focus on labor market and social policy at the University of Kassel. In his applied empirical research, he is particularly concerned with the effectiveness of social policy, the labor market consequences of transformative change, and the long-term sustainability of public budgets. Holger Bonin is heavily involved in science-based policy advice. In Germany, he was a member of the expert commissions for research and innovation as well as for the Federal Government's Gender Equality Report.


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