Every year students of the bachelor program Economics - Management and Economics and the diploma program International Economics of the University of Innsbruck can apply for "Student-of-the-Year in Management and Economics". In addition to excellent academic performance, the students' social commitment is also a prerequisite for this award. Out of numerous applications this year the jury selected Alexandra Felderer from Bolzano as "Student-of-the-Year".
"For me, social commitment is a very important criterion, which, in addition to our international orientation and at the same time our strong regional rooting, is also an important part of our corporate identity at UniCredit Bank Austria. We also set these priorities at our bank in Tyrol. This award for Tyrolean students is a great example for these focal areas," says Daniel Hechl, Deputy Regional Director of the UniCredit Bank Austria for Clients in Tyrol .
The award winner
The award winner is studying to get a bachelor's degree in psychology as well as a diploma in International Ecomonic and Business Studies. Until her stay abroad, which is a compulsory part of her studies which she will spend in Rome starting in fall, Alexandra Felderer was the honorary chairwoman of the Jungschar in South Tyrol for two years.
She continues her social commitment to children and young people as a member of various provincial committees, working groups and project groups of the Jungschar. Between 2019 and 2021 she also completed the speaker training of the South Tyrolean Youth Ring. Currently she is teaching mathematics and science at a secondary school. Despite this great social and time-consuming commitment, the South Tyrolean has been studying within the general period of time stipulated for this study and performs very well in both studies.
Recognition Awards
In addition to the main prize, recognition prizes of 500 euros each are awarded every year. This year, these prizes went to Kristian Babic, Marina Farbmacher, Elena Christina Köchl and David Stigger. Rector Tilmann Märk, Daniel Hechl, Deputy Regional Director of the UniCredit Bank Austria for Clients in Tyrol , Annette Ostendorf, Dean of the Faculty of Business and Management, and Markus Walzl, Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Statistics, presented the prizes at a ceremony in the SoWi building. They also congratulated the 18 nominees for the Dean's List, who are among the top ten percent of their study programs.

The award winners