Opening ceremony


Christian Doppler Laboratory for "Innovative Crystal Engineering Strategies in Drug Development"

Thursday, 27 March 2025

1:00 pm

University Main Building, Aula, Innrain 52, 6020 Innsbruck

To Registration by 17 March 2025 at the latest.

Welcome address Veronika Sexl
Rector of the University of Innsbruck

Dr. Markus Becker
Head Strategic Sourcing, Sandoz GmbH

Univ.-Prof. Martin Gerzabek
President of the Christian Doppler Society

Cornelia Hagele
State Councillor for Education, Science and Research

Presentation of the Christian Doppler Laboratory

Ass.-Prof. Priv.-Doz. Dr Doris E. Braun
Head of the Christian Doppler Laboratory

Virtual tour of the laboratory

Followed by drinks in front of the auditorium.

In Christian Doppler laboratories, application-orientated basic research is carried out at a high level, with outstanding scientists cooperating with innovative companies. The Christian Doppler Research Association is internationally recognised as a best-practice example for the promotion of this cooperation.

Christian Doppler Laboratories are jointly funded by the public sector and the participating companies. The most important public funding body is the Federal Ministry of Labour and Economic Affairs (BMAW).


The CD Laboratory is dedicated to exploring critical material properties of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) and excipients that are essential for the production, quality, and safety of medicines. By optimising these properties, manufacturing processes can be streamlined and ultimately the costs of essential pharmaceutical products will be reduced.

Most APIs consist of small molecules, which are usually processed into tablets in crystalline form due to their superior chemical stability. However, the increasing complexity of modern drug molecules often results in reduced water solubility. "Crystal engineering", a material science technique, has the possibility to enable the development of diverse solid-state forms with advantageous pharmaceutical properties. The goal is to identify the optimal solid-state form(s) of biologically active molecules in terms of stability, solubility, and processability, paving the way for their development into high-quality, market-ready drugs.

The members of the CD Laboratory investigate molecular interactions and their impact on the chemical stability, processability, and efficacy of pharmaceutical compounds. By combining experimental and computational methods, we not only optimize material properties but also develop innovative approaches for in silico solid-form discovery and advanced stabilization techniques for forms with enhanced bioavailability. Special focus is placed on the interactions between APIs and excipients, enabling the design of customized pharmaceutical formulations.

Universität Innsbruck
Public Relations Office

Josef-Moeller-Haus, Innrain 52
6020 Innsbruck

Please register at Registration by 17 March 2025 at the latest.

We look forward to seeing you there!

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