Univ. Prof. DDr. Jürgen Huber
What exciting research topics does Prof. DDr. Huber pursue? How is this connected to his teaching? Why is Innsbruck particularly relevant for him?
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Birthe Soppe
What are the dynamics behind -sustainability transitions- in organisations? What do moral markets have to do with it? To what extent does the atmosphere in the classroom matter?
Univ. Prof. Dr Andreas Eckhardt
What is the development of Decentralised Autonomous Organizations (DAOs)? What is the significance of dark patterns? How can research methods be best taught to students?
Univ. Prof. Dr Julia Brandl
How can we ensure that employment relationships in the future are shaped the way we want them to be? And how can companies, educational institutions and trade unions and politics work better together to develop such employment relationships?
Univ. Prof. Dr Kurt Matzler
What can entrepreneurial leadership learn from extreme and elite sport? How can entrepreneurial innovation, its growth and effective structures be cultivated?
Prof. Leonhard Dobusch
What is the relevance of organisational openness? What alternatives to IPR are of particular relevance? What challenges do fluid organisational forms bring with them?