TheReasearch Area FunctionalMaterials Science
In the Research Area Functional Materials Science, research groups from four faculties (Pharmacy and Chemistry; Mathematics, Informatics and Physics; Geo- and Atmospheric Sciences; Civil Engineering) cooperate in order to fully exploit the synergies between physics, chemistry, Earth sciences, pharmaceutical technology and civil engineering.
1 Research Area, 5Topic Areas
Thomas Lörting
Innrain 52c
A-6020 Innsbruck

assoz. Prof. Dr. Thomas Loerting
Department of Physical Chemistry
Innrain 52c, 6020 Innsbruck
+43 (512) 507 58019

Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Andreas Bernkop-Schnürch - Drug Delivery
Pharmaceutical Technology – Departement of Pharmacy
Innrain 80 – 82/IV, 6020 Innsbruck
+43 (512) 507 58600
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Mucoadhesive oligomers, polymers, and nanoparticles
Oligomers, polymers, and nanoparticles for improved cellular uptake
The work of our research group focuses on novel, innovative drug delivery systems that transport active pharmaceutical ingredients to the target site and thus enable sustained drug release and improved absorption. These versatile systems include oligomers, polymers, micelles, or lipid nanoparticles.
Many drugs inconveniently have to be administered parenterally due to insufficient residence time at the site of application, resulting in inadequate drug absorption for local or systemic effect. Our systems with cationic or thiol functionalities adhere to the mucosal layers of the respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract or reproductive tract and provide prolonged residence time for the drug near the site of action. At the cellular level, our systems show improved cellular uptake and reduced efflux of the active ingredients from the cells. Using a slightly more complex method, in which cationic functionalities are masked with anionic charges, we can prevent our systems from adhering too early to the adhesion membranes and thus achieve stronger interactions and a higher drug concentration at the target site.
The drug delivery systems used could open up new ways of non-parenteral drug delivery, for example in ocular, oral, buccal and nasal application with reduced application quantity and frequency.

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Martin K. Beyer - Chemical Physics
Department for Ion Physics and Applied Physics
Technikerstraße 25, 6020 Innsbruck
+43 (512) 507 52680
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Reactivity and photochemistry of clusters
Spectroscopy and reactivity of metal complexes in astrochemistry
The Chemical Physics group at the Department of Ion Physics and Applied Physics investigates mechanisms of chemical reactions under idealized conditions. For the experiments, we use high-resolution mass spectrometers to investigate isolated clusters under ultra-high vacuum conditions. Lasers from the Innsbruck Laser Core Facility are used for spectroscopy and photochemistry. An atomic force microscope is used to mechanically force chemical reactions in individual polymer molecules. Quantum mechanical calculations explain the experimental observations. We use these methods to investigate the nature of chemical bonds and explain a wide range of phenomena, from the photochemical ageing of sea salt aerosols in the atmosphere, molecular catalysts and iron-containing molecules in space to polymer functional materials.

Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Anja Diekamp
Material science in the preservation of historical monuments
Department of Structural Engineering and Material Sciences
Technikerstraße 13, 6020 Innsbruck
+43 (512) 507 63505
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Materials of the built cultural heritage
Development of building materials for use in heritage conservation (NHL modular system)
Damage problems caused by sulphate contamination of wall paintings and stucco
Our task is the fundamental, scientific processing of questions related to the preservation of material cultural heritage in order to find answers to practice-orientated problems. As a contact and mediator for institutions, restorers and craftsmen working in the field of heritage conservation, the working group is part of a transdisciplinary and inter-university network. An essential core competence is the scientific characterisation of mineral building materials and their damage problems, which is being expanded in current research projects on the topics of dolomite lime, stucco, high-fired plaster, natural hydraulic limes and early concretes. In addition to supporting the restoration of ruined masonry, tiled stoves and wall paintings, students are also taught about the durability and analysis of materials.

Presentation of results from practice-oriented courses at the 350th anniversary celebrations of the University of Innsbruck in the Museum of Tyrolean Regional Heritage.

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Fabian Dielmann
Molecular Inorganic Chemistry
Department of General, Inorganic and Theoretical Chemistry
Innrain 80 – 82, 6020 Innsbruck
+43 (512) 507 57006
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Main Group Chemistry: From extremely electron-rich phosphines to low-coordinated ambiphiles
Activation and valorisation of greenhouse gases
Homogeneous catalysis: organometallic catalysis, photocatalysis, organocatalysis
Research in the Dielmann group covers various topics in the field of molecular inorganic chemistry and homogeneous catalysis. An overarching goal is the development of new catalytic processes for the conversion of particularly inert small molecules such as the greenhouse gases carbon dioxide (CO2) and sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) into value-added compounds. For the energy-efficient and selective conversion of these molecules, we develop innovative methods for bond activation, synthesise reactive compounds and investigate the underlying mechanisms using a combination of experimental, spectroscopic and computer-based methods.

assoz. Prof. Dr. Gunther Heymann - Solid State Chemistry
Department of General, Inorganic and Theoretical Chemistry
Innrain 80 – 82, 6020 Innsbruck
+43 (512) 507 57003
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Multianvil high-pressure/high-temperature synthesis of new tellurate materials
In my research group, we are working on the synthesis of tellurate materials. These are salts of the telluric acid H6TeO6 or the telluric acid H2TeO3. The tellurium atom in these compounds has either the +VI or +IV oxidation state. In addition, the tellurium atom has a high degree of flexibility in its coordination environment, which makes these compounds structurally extremely interesting. As the diagram shows, tellurium can be surrounded by oxygen atoms in many different ways. We are interested in structural changes and the associated changes in physical properties that can be achieved by varying the additional synthesis parameter pressure.
The focus is on a special synthesis method, the multianvil high-pressure high-temperature synthesis, the elucidation of the crystal structure using X-ray methods and, in particular, the properties of these new materials. Transition metal tellurates often exhibit multiferroic phenomena, i.e. several simultaneously occurring states of organisation such as ferromagnetism in addition to ferroelectricity or piezoelectricity, which can be influenced by changes in the magnetic or electric field. Other materials are highly interesting with regard to their non-linear optical properties. In the field of alkali metal tellurates, lithium or sodium ion conductivities are of particular interest to us.

assoz. Prof. Dr. Thomas Hofer
Advanced Quantum Chemistry and Computational Material Sciences
Department of General, Inorganic and Theoretical Chemistry
Innrain 80 – 82, 6020 Innsbruck
+43 (512) 507 57111
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Computational Material Sciences
Structure, Dynamics and Thermodynamics of Functional Materials
Machine-Learning Approaches in Quantum Chemistry and Material Sciences
Computational methods are indispensable tools in modern chemistry and materials research, as they offer a number of advantages in day-to-day research. Computational chemistry makes it possible to simulate complex chemical processes and the behaviour of molecular systems that are often difficult or impossible to investigate experimentally. Quantum chemical methods also provide detailed information about the electronic structure and properties of molecules and materials at the atomic level. With the help of these methods, a large number of chemical compounds and materials can be evaluated effectively and in a time-saving manner, which in many cases means that expensive and time-consuming experimental tests can be avoided. The most promising candidates can then be further investigated by the experimental working groups in the laboratory.

assoz. Prof. Dr. Stephan Hohloch
Sustainable Chemistry across the Periodic Table
Department of General, Inorganic and Theoretical Chemistry
Innrain 80 – 82, 6020 Innsbruck
+43 (512) 507 57035
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Early Transition Metal Catalysis
The Hohloch Group focuses on the use of early transition and f-Block metals in sustainable and environmentally benign applications. These span from the use of these elements in molecular magnetism, sustainable catalysis or the activation of otherwise inert small molecules such as N2, CO2, H2. Another focus of the group is to explore the general reactivity of heavy cyanates of the general formula [ChCPn]- (Ch = Chalcogen, O, S, Se and Pn = Pnictogen, N, P, As). The overall aim of the research is to find new methodologies and routes to use these basic buildings block for the synthesis of value-added chemicals and basic feedstock materials for chemical industries and specialized chemicals with potential medicine applications.

Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Christian Huck - Analytical Chemistry
Department of Analytical Chemistry and Radiochemistry
Innrain 80 – 82, 6020 Innsbruck
+43 (512) 507 57300
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Synthesis and analytical characterisation of innovative materials: In addition to the development of new materials for a wide range of areas, the development of new methods for determining physical and chemical properties is also important. The focus here is on non-invasive measurement techniques that allow a large number of parameters to be determined very quickly and simultaneously. The method development can be efficiently adapted for routine use in terms of an adequate calibration and validation procedure. This means that in many cases complex routine analyses can be replaced by new, more powerful approaches.

The research interests in the solid state chemistry section of the department are dedicated to the explorative synthetic discovery of new compounds in the substance classes of borates, fluoride-borates, boro-germanates, boro-gallates, gallates, borate-nitrates, gallium-oxonitrides, rare earth molybdates, intermetallic compounds, and borides. Advanced synthetic approaches are used under ambient and high-pressure conditions, e.g. using a high-frequency furnace or a high-pressure multianvil equipment. Next to standard solid state synthesis, also molecular precursors are used to aim for new compounds. Primarily, the structure elucidation of the unknown compounds is of interest. Further on, the continuative development and application of these novel materials lies in the focus of our work, including aspects of ionic conductivity, optical properties, non-linear optical behavior, luminescence, mechanical properties, thermal stability, and magnetism.

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Volker Kahlenberg - Applied mineralogy and crystallography
Department of Mineralogy and Petrography
Innrain 52, 6020 Innsbruck
+43 (512) 507 54603
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Behaviour of oxidic materials under non-ambient conditions
Phase analysis and thermodynamics of multinary oxide systems
The activities of the group are at the interface between applied and basic research. The focus is on materials development and characterization of solids used in industrial high-temperature processes. These include, for example, products from the steel, ceramic, glass, binder and refractory industries, which, in addition to high-tech applications, play a direct or indirect role in many areas of everyday life (bricks, sanitary ceramics, tiles, etc.). A particular focus of our research is on in-situ measurements using various X-ray diffraction methods to study the production and use of crystalline solids under conditions as close to process conditions as possible, up to 1500 °C. Furthermore, influences of the crystalline structure on the changes in properties can be tracked directly.

Our research group focuses on materials and processes for powder-bed-based additive manufacturing—commonly known as 3D printing—of metallic materials. In this process, metal powder is selectively fused in a layer-by-layer build-up process using a laser or electron beam. This enables the resource-efficient production of components that are individually tailored and fabricated in complex, highly-functional geometries. Additionally, the specific process conditions of additive manufacturing allow the development of novel materials with unique microstructures and optimized mechanical properties.
The core of our work involves alloy development, meaning the development of new, customized materials using thermodynamic calculations, and simulation-based process development to establish process strategies for the defect-free processing of innovative materials. We place a particular emphasis on high-melting materials like molybdenum and tungsten, titanium and aluminum alloys, and steels. For our application-oriented research projects, we collaborate closely with partners from academia and industry.

We study interfacial processes to elucidate the reaction pathways and mechanisms that occur at the solid/liquid interface during electrochemical energy conversion and storage processes. The group's research approach is based on the development and application of in-situ and ex-situ analytical techniques, which are applied to systems of increasing complexity. These range from single-crystalline model electrodes studied under idealized conditions to more complex but well-defined nanostructured materials that could be applied in real fuel and electrolysis cells or battery environments.

Univ.-Prof. DI Dr. Roman Lackner - Material Technology
Department of Structural Engineering and Material Sciences
Technikerstraße 13, 6020 Innsbruck
+43 (512) 507 63500
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Optimisation and durability of materials (Prof. Roman Lackner)
Material characterisation (Dr. Lukas Perfler)
Chemistry of building materials and damage analysis (Dr. Seraphin Unterberger)
The Material Technology working group deals with the entire life cycle of materials, from the production process, the optimisation of technical properties towards aspects of durability and possible recyclability. The research work is based on a comprehensive characterisation of the material properties on – if necessary – different length scales at the NanoLab of the University of Innsbruck. This approach is not limited to selected materials and technical properties, with possibilities and potential applications being wide-ranging. The research comprises e.g. the improvement of the production process (energy consumption, CO2 footprint) and material performance as well as aspects of durability during service life (when subjected to mechanical loading and/or thermal/chemical attack) and sustainability of materials (recycling).

Univ.-Prof. DDr. Klaus Liedl - Theoretical Chemistry
Department of General, Inorganic and Theoretical Chemistry
Innrain 80 - 82, 6020 Innsbruck
+43 (512) 507 57100
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Description of the infrared activity of atmospherically relevant molecules
Electron structure methods such as Coupled Cluster (CC) allow the precise quantum mechanical modelling of molecular electronic properties and form the basis for more advanced methods such as vibrational configuration interaction (VCI), which find an accurate solution of the nuclear Schrödinger equation and thus allow a precise description of the anharmonic, coupled vibrations of small atmospherically relevant molecules. On the other side of the size spectrum, molecular modelling and molecular dynamics (MM/MD) techniques allow the study of proteins and the interactions they undergo with ligands in their binding pocket.

assoz. Prof. Dr. Thomas Loerting
Cryochemistry of Water
Department of Physical Chemistry
Innrain 52c, 6020 Innsbruck
+43 (512) 507 58019
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Our group deals with water and aqueous solutions below the freezing point, in particular with crystalline ice, amorphous ice, deeply supercooled liquid water and clathrate hydrates. Highlights in basic research include the discovery of a third amorphous ice (VHDA) and a crystalline ice form (Ice XIX). In applied research, we are developing reference data for the spectroscopic discovery of twenty different ice forms in space and are working on the friction of luge runners on ice at the interface between science and high-performance sport.

Ass.-Prof. Dr. Laerte Patera - Surface Chemistry
Department of Physical Chemistry
Innrain 52c, 6020 Innsbruck
+43 (512) 507 58100
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Our research aims at obtaining mechanistic insight into atomic-scale chemical processes occurring at surfaces. Current research topics span from the synthesis and imaging of two-dimensional covalent organic frameworks for energy conversion. We use imaging techniques based on high-resolution scanning probe microscopy to visualize molecular nanostructures at the atomic scale. Special attention is given to the development of novel imaging approaches to resolve photoexcited states in light-harvesting functional materials. Understanding light-induced processes will drive the design of photoactive materials with improved energy conversion efficiency.

Ass.-Prof. Dr. Clifford Patten - Mineral resources and ore geology
Department of Mineralogy and Petrography
Innrain 52, 6020 Innsbruck
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Mineral resources are essential for achieving the energy transition away from fossil fuel. Ore deposits, however, are harder and harder to find and new research approaches are needed to understand how they form. Our research focuses on the geological processes which lead to the formation of ore deposit. We look from large scale to small mechanisms by combining various field of geosciences such as tectonics, structural, petrography, mineralogy and geochemistry.
Metal-Perovskite Interfacial Effects in Exhaust Gas Catalysis
Methane Dry Reforming over Perovskite- and Intermetallic Compound-derived Catalysts
High-Temperature Electrolysis of CO2 and H2O
Our group is devoted to a mechanistic understanding of processes occurring at the solid-gas interface in reactions relevant for sustainable catalysis, like methanol steam or dry reforming or the selective catalytic reduction of nitrous oxides. Materials range from pure oxides over metal-oxide systems to intermetallic compounds and alloys. Through connection of model system studies under ultrahigh vacuum conditions to powder systems characterized under technologically relevant conditions our goal is to close the “pressure” and “materials” gaps in catalysis. Our approach is the exclusive use of in situ and operando spectroscopic and structural methods to investigate catalyst materials under close-to-real conditions. This interdisciplinary approach usually involves collaboration from various research areas, encompassing materials science, chemistry, physics or chemical engineering.

Hybrid structures and interfaces
Functional materials and energy
Bio-based materials, sustainability and circularity
The Research Institute of Textile Chemistry and Textile Physics focuses on advancing basic research and technology in fibre chemistry, polymers, dyes, and advanced materials. Key areas include modification, characterization, and application of fibre and textile materials. The institute is home to the EU Key Enabling Technology Center and the Core Facility for Interface in Hybrid Systems. Our current research spans hybrid structures and interfaces, energy storage, functional textiles, bio-based materials, and sustainability. We collaborate with both national and international companies and research institutions to explore new technologies and applications for fibres and textiles.

We study interfacial processes to elucidate the reaction pathways and mechanisms that occur at the solid/liquid interface during electrochemical energy conversion and storage processes. The group's research approach is based on the development and application of in-situ and ex-situ analytical techniques applied to systems of increasing complexity. These range from monocrystalline model electrodes studied under idealised conditions to more complex but well-defined nanostructured materials that could be used in real fuel and electrolysis cells or battery environments.

NanoBio Physics
Department of Ion Physics and Applied Physics
Technikerstraße 25, 6020 Innsbruck
Pickup of atoms and molecules in highly charged helium droplets enables the effective generation of size-selected clusters and nanoparticles. In addition, ions can be generated with a few helium atoms attached, which offer ideal conditions for spectroscopy.

The research focus of the group is on the development of photoactive inorganic-organic hybrid materials. Hybrid materials are substances that consist of at least two components and exhibit new properties in combination. For example, the combination of porous host structures with photoactive molecules and complexes makes it possible to achieve photoswitchability (e.g. change in colour when exposed to light) and luminescent properties similar to those in solution or even more efficient. These properties can be specifically adjusted by selecting the appropriate host matrix and guest. This is particularly interesting with regard to applications in data storage, sensors or OLEDs.

Mineralogy - Petrology
Department of Mineralogy and Petrography
Innrain 52, 6020 Innsbruck
In the Mineralogy - Petrology department, we use chemical microanalysis methods to study natural and synthetic materials with regard to their main and trace elements (in cooperation with international research partners also with regard to their isotopic composition). The data obtained can provide direct information about the origin of the material (provenance analysis) or be used to calculate distribution coefficients, which in turn can be used as geological thermometers or barometers or for modelling geological cycles.
The natural materials come from almost every conceivable environment, from alpine rocks and river sediments to volcanic material from deep within the Earth and cosmic material such as meteorites. High-pressure and high-temperature experiments facilitate conclusions about the formation conditions and answering the question which conditions prevailed in order to obtain the phases and their element distribution observed in nature. Knowledge of the formation conditions enables the targeted synthesis of material.
The range of methods includes electron beam microprobe, Raman spectroscopy, FTIR spectroscopy, and high-pressure equipment.

The focus of our research projects is the linking of biological motifs with material technology applications and modern process engineering.
Within this scope, we use a variety of raw materials provided by nature to create innovative materials. Many of our projects also follow the principle of biomimetics. This describes abstraction of natural archetypes to apply them to a technical problem. This has led, for example, to squid-inspired glass fiber composites and the idea of a snakeskin-inspired circular economy for painted surfaces.
In addition to the industrial applicability of the materials, we attach great importance to an in-depth understanding of the underlying processes and structures. To this end, we use e.g. high-resolution microscopy methods, to look deep into the structure and chemistry of our materials.

We investigate time-dependent and dynamic phenomena in complex systems. For this purpose, we experimentally utilise NMR spectroscopy (nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy), which enables us to observe and quantify the temporal course of chemical reactions with atomic resolution. This provides us with an in-depth understanding of the factors that determine the efficiency of chemical reactions. We are particularly interested in biological systems, mainly proteins and protein complexes. These biomolecules act as highly specialised and efficient catalysts for a wide range of chemical reactions. They are also characterised by their structural dynamics, an essential property for their function, which can be investigated by NMR spectroscopy. Due to their complexity, biomolecules represent an experimental challenge that requires the use of high-field NMR spectroscopy.

Dipl.-Ing. Valentine Troi
Biobased Materials
Department of Structural Engineering and Material Sciences
Technikerstraße 13, 6020 Innsbruck
+43 (512) 507 63555
E-Mail UIBK-Website Personal Website
Bio-based composite materials (Dipl.-Ing. Valentine Troi)
The climate crisis and scarcity of raw materials are forcing us to rethink our current economic and energy system, which is based on fossil and mineral resources. Innovative bioeconomic concepts enable moving away from fossil resources as the basis of our products in favour of renewable and bio-based materials that are used sustainably and kept in the cycle for as long as possible. The focus on the regional and sustainable provision of raw materials (with a focus on agriculture, forestry and waste management) plays a major role. In this context, particular attention must be paid to the strongly varying quality of raw materials, which should be absorbed with cascading value chains. The development of appropriately adapted material technology solutions and the resulting product development for industrial sectors such as the construction industry and mobility is the core task of the interdisciplinary working group.

Dr. Nikolaus Weinberger
Thin Layer Technology
Department of Structural Engineering and Material Sciences
Technikerstraße 13, 6020 Innsbruck
+43 (512) 507 63548
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Development of new thin film systems and manufacturing processes
Development of industrial roll-to-roll manufacturing processes
Our research group is involved in the development of new photovoltaic technologies, with a focus on thin-film photovoltaics. Thin-film solar cells are thinner than a human hair and about 100 times thinner than conventional (silicon-based) solar cells. The advantages are: low material consumption, low energy consumption in production, low weight and flexibility. Production on film (flexible) opens up a wider range of applications and facilitates the integration of photovoltaics, e.g. in vehicles, buildings and airplanes. In addition, so-called roll-to-roll processes can be used for production. Our research group carries out comprehensive material analyses in order to describe fundamental relationships between production and performance. In addition to developing new materials and manufacturing processes, we also test them on our photovoltaic outdoor test stand.

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Roland Wester
Molecular Systems
Department for Ion Physics and Applied Physics
Technikerstraße 25, 6020 Innsbruck
+43 (512) 507 52620
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Reactive scattering of slow molecules and ions
Reactions and state-resolved photodetachment of cold negative ions
Our group studies the physics and chemistry of molecules and their dynamics under highly controlled conditions. For example, we explore the reaction mechanisms of ion-molecule reactions. We are particularly interested to find out about the importance of quantum dynamics in molecular collisions and chemical reactions. Furthermore, we develop methods to control and manipulate molecular interactions using lasers and traps.