Diekamp lab - Dam­age prob­lems caused by sul­phate con­tam­i­na­tion of wall paint­ings and stucco

In the Alpine region, dolomitic lime was used on a regionally significant scale in historic mortars and plasters for wall paintings and stucco decorations. In combination with environmental sulphate pollution and/or gypsum as well as moisture, the formation of sulphate salts leads to massive damage problems that threaten the existence of the cultural heritage. Using modern methods of material analysis in the laboratory and practical investigations on representative objects, damage phenomena are investigated on a fundamental scientific basis and conclusions are drawn for conservation and restoration practice.

Damage to stucco (left: Helblinghaus in Innsbruck's old town) and wall paintings (right: scanning electron microscope analysis of a fragment of paint from the paintings at the Gasthaus Stern in Oetz) due to the formation of gypsum and magnesium sulphate caused by environmental pollution and/or unfavourable material combinations.

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