Kahlen­berg lab - Phase anal­y­sis and ther­mo­dy­nam­ics of multi­nary oxide sys­tems

Phase triangle in the ternary system Na2O-CaO-SiO2

The interpretation of the high-temperature behavior of silicate materials is essentially based on precise knowledge of the respective phase diagrams. Surprisingly, however, this data is lacking for a large number of “simple” three- or four-component systems. In the course of our recent investigations, we have worked on a series of systems for the first time, proven the existence of new phases, and corrected the results of older studies. In addition to carrying out syntheses in the numerous furnaces available in our labs - also combining it with thermoanalytical experiments (DTA-TG-MS, DSC) - the results can be compared with thermodynamic modeling calculations using software packages such as FactSage.

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