Lack­ner lab - Opti­mi­sa­tion and dura­bil­ity of mate­ri­als (Prof. Roman Lack­n­er)

Topics in material technology ranging from experimental characterization, modelling of material behaviour to predicting the future performance of materials.

The constantly improving methods used in experimental characterisation – also on very small length scales – provide the basis for the development of models taking finer scales into account. These models allow us to consider different material phases, their composition and spatial distribution (morphology) as well as to capture any changes in the course of material production and processes during service life (mechanical loading, chemical/thermal attacks). Research aims e.g. at improved production processes (energy consumption, CO2 footprint), the identification of decisive parameters for material improvement by means of sensitivity analysis and, finally, the opimisation of the performance of materials as regards their technical properties as well as durability aspects when subjected to mechanical/thermal/chemical loading.

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