Strube lab - Coat­ings Tech­nol­ogy

Lots of our research projects are directly related to coatings of all kinds. We look at the system “paint” wholistically, i.e. microscopically, macroscopically and in terms of process technology. The aim is usually to integrate a specific functionality. Research into innovative application processes is also part of our expertise. For example, we are researching the coating of reinforcement fibers directly in the spinning process, moisture-adaptive coatings for interior insulation systems, or palladium coatings for the selective separation of hydrogen.

Example of a detached wood coating. The coating developed in our working group enables a residue-free debonding-on-demand from its substrate.

Concept of wet-chemical deposition of palladium to create highly selective membranes for H2 separation (left) and a SEM image of the deposited Pd particles.

Schematic representation of the enzyme-mediated addressing to create nanostructures (left) and examples of protein coatings (middle) and structures (right).

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