Research focus
Law and digitalisation
We investigate in both research and teaching, whether and how the relationship between state, civil society and the business community is changing in this digital age and how individual rights, social cohesion and international solidarity can be safeguarded.
- Digital human rights (Rauchegger and Kettemann)
- Legal aspects of online platforms (Rauchegger and Kettemann)
- Internet governance and constitutionalisation of the internet (Rauchegger and Kettemann)
- Private law and digitalisation (Kramme)
- Law and technology of the European Union (Rauchegger)
Law and innovation
In our research we focus on the governance of social innovations and the legal framework of successfully implemented technical innovations in future-oriented societies and economies.
Law and sustainability
We conduct research on how law can enhance sustainability and how sustainability, with regard to regional goods, mobility and improvements in general, can be conceived and enshrined in law.
- Sustainable digitalisation and digitalised sustainability (Kettemann)
- Safeguarding future liberties here and now (Kettemann)
- Sustainability law (Kramme)
- Mobility rights (Kramme)
- Sustainability legislation of the European Union (Rauchegger)
Legal theory and legal philosophy
We study the theoretical and philosophical foundations of legal questions, that result from the latest developments in society, politcs, technology and economy. In our comprehensive research we focus on the processes behind the distribution of goods, rights and obligations and the safekeeping of human dignity and sovereignty in multi-party cooperations (post-pandemic, "post-liberal" and "postnational" societies are also studied).
Inclusive Law
Our fifth research focus lies on the intersectional connections of law, mainly on possible emancipatory potentialities of legal appeals and current obstacles in equality of all individuals despite or through law