Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Matthias C. Kettemann, LLM (Harvard)
Head of Department
Professor of Innovation, Theory and Philosophy of Law
Ass.-Prof. Mag.a Mag.a Clara Rauchegger, LLM PhD (Cambridge)
Assistent Professor for European Law and Law of Digitalization
Ehemalige Mitarbeiter*innen
Mag. Dr. Philipp Jaud
PhD candidate
Alex Fischer
Student assistant
Eileen van Dongen, MA
Department Officer
Katharina Gächter
Student assistant
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Malte Kramme
Euregio Endowed Professor for Technology, Mobility and Sustainability Law
Mag.a Maria Paulmichl
Researcher and PhD candidate
Andrea Woyke
Student assistant
Jana Kammerer, BA
Student assistant
Linus Wörle
Student assistant
Johanna Erler
Student assistant
Lisa-Maria Riedl
Student assistant