Coupled Human-Landscape Systems: Risk & Resilience

News / Jobs

Workshop Announcement: AK Naturgefahren/-risiken

We are pleased to announce the Annual Meeting of the Working Group on Natural Hazards/Risks (AK Naturgefahren-/risiken, which will take place on 22 and 23 May at the University of Innsbruck.

We aim to discuss interdisciplinary approaches to risk and resilience in the context of natural hazards, with a special focus on what mountain research can learn from other fields. We therefore invite colleagues from physical and human geography, geomorphology, climate research, socio-hydrology, social ecology, sociology, science communication and related fields concerned with understanding disaster risk from an inter- and transdisciplinary perspective. 

Link to the call

The format consists of three keynote lectures by renowned experts (Margreth Keiler, Simone Sandholz, Martin Mergili) followed by workshop discussions on biophysical, social and integrated perspectives on hazard risk and resilience.

For organisational reasons, please submit your abstract and register by 31 March 2025 using this form Notification of acceptance by 9 April 2025. If you have any questions, please contact

Murgang im Dorf See, im Hintergrund Murverbauung

Excursion on Geomorphology & Natural Hazards in Switzerland

This September, another excursion to Switzerland took place as part of the ‘Regional Geography IV’ module, led by Margreth Keiler and Andreas Mayer.  A vivid excursion blog was created on the topics that were covered, providing information on the geomorphological processes, physical conditions and socio-economic developments in Switzerland. The excursion diary also contains photos and short reports on the places visited. Have fun browsing!

Group photo with Aletsch Gletscher in the background

Job Announcement - PostDoc

We invite outstanding candidates to apply for a PostDoc position based at the Institute of Interdisciplinary Mountain Research of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Innsbruck/Austria of focusing in general upon Coupled Human-Landscape System in the context of natural hazards, risk and resilience in mountain areas.

PostDoc ‚Landscape Evolution Modelling in the context of mountain hazards’: This is fully-funded position for an initial period of one year, with the possibility of an extension to up to six years in total.

The project will run in close collaborations with colleagues at Innsbruck University. The application deadline is 31st December 2024. However, the position will be open until adequately filled.

Researchers undertaking this project will be based in the Institute of Interdisciplinary Mountain Research in Innsbruck. The Institute of Interdisciplinary Mountain Research (IGF) of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (OeAW), Austria’s leading non-university research and science institution, engages in the basic and applied research on impacts of global change processes in mountain regions across the globe. The working groups at the IGF provide a broad spectrum of expertise on a wide range of topics, and together create an exciting atmosphere for interdisciplinary mountain research.

Talk Announcement

Bank Austria FUTURE TALK on 7 November at 18:30: Margreth Keiler will be a guest there and talk about ‘The future of water - between a precious resource and a destructive force’. The talk can also be accessed afterwards via the following link:

Bank Austria Future Talk am 7.11. um 18:30 Uhr: Zukunft Wasser


On March 7 and 8, the bi-annual meeting of the Austrian Geography Association ("Geographie-Werkstatt") took place at the University of Innsbruck. The meeting was held on the topic of "Discussing Geographic Method(ology)s: Integration, Experimentation, and Innovation".

Margreth Keiler shared her experiences of inter- and transdisciplinary research in a keynote lecture. Under the title "Risky business? Challenges and potentials of interdisciplinarity in mountain research", she presented the challenges and opportunities of an inter- and transdisciplinary working group, such as our CHLS team. In order to understand and respond to the risks to which society is exposed due to natural hazards, an approach that takes different scientific disciplines as well as partners outside science seriously is important. In addition to some examples from everyday research practice, Margreth Keiler also gave tips for interdisciplinary researchers.  (Recording: Elisabeth Gruber)

Keynote Lecture von Margreth Keiler bei der Geographie-Werkstatt

Stakeholder Workshop "CAUTION"

The 2nd stakeholder workshop of the "CAUTION" project will take place on 01.03.2024 from 13:00 - 17:00 in Kaunerberg in the Kaunertal. The topics are the effects of climate change on precipitation and water availability in the Alpine region and, as a consequence, the changes in natural hazards, in particular the Niedergallmig and Stupfarri landslide areas. The event is entitled "Water and natural hazards in a changing climate". Specialist presentations on the current state of research, risk, resilience and possible courses of action are planned, as well as a workshop section for all interested parties and experts to exchange ideas. Participants will have the opportunity to help shape the "CAUTION" project, the research objectives and results based on their needs and interests.

When: March 01, 2024, 13:00 - 17:00
Where: Community hall, 6527 Kaunerberg
Registration: under
If you have any questions, please contact +43 512 507 49433 or

Start of the project "CAUTION"

27.09.2023: Project start of the "CAUTION"-project in Gries im Sellrain: The first Stakeholder meeting of the CAUTION-Project was held on 26.09.2023 in Gries im Sellrain.


Permanent link: IGF-News --> News and publications of the  Institute of Interdisciplinary Mountain Research (IGF) are published on this website.


  • 2023: Outstanding Paper Award: The paper "Evaluating targeted heuristics for vulnerability assessment in flood impact model chains" is one of the three highly commended articles for the 2023 Outstanding Paper Award
  • 23.02.2023: Für Skigebiete bis 1500 Meter wird es eng. Interview with Kay Helfricht on the question: "Do winter sports still have a future in times of climate change?"
  • November 2022: The expert forum Klima.Schnee.Sport consisting of 14 climate and sports research institutions from Germany, Austria and Switzerland, published the current state of research on the topic of "Winter sports and climate change". The updated version of the 2019 position paper defines reliable findings and knowledge deficits and contains proposals for strategic approaches. The aim is to support long-term planning for future generations of sport and tourism. As part of the expert panel, Kay Helfricht contributes knowledge on the potential of snowmaking and the distribution of snow cover.
  • 06.10.2022: Katastrophenschutz – Wie gut sind wir vorbereitet? This documentary discusses how society deals with various disasters. Margreth Keiler has her say as an expert on natural hazards in the Alpine region and how to deal with them.
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