
We develop and maintain LORICA, a soilscape evolution model, which links multiple processes affecting the landscape (e.g. erosion, creep, tillage, landsliding etc.) to soil profile evolution. It does so by dynamically adapting the number and thickness of soil layers depending on the topographical and lithological characteristics of the area and of the process which is modelled.

Here you can find the model LORICA .

If you would like to work with us, need help with LORICA or have further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.



Temme, A. J., & Vanwalleghem, T. (2016). LORICA–A new model for linking landscape and soil profile evolution: Development and sensitivity analysis. Computers & Geosciences, 90, 131-143.

van der Meij, W. M., Temme, A. J., Binnie, S. A., & Reimann, T. (2022). ChronoLorica–Introduction of a soil-landscape evolution model combined with geochronometers. EGUsphere, 2022, 1-35.

van der Meij, W. M., Temme, A. J., de Kleijn, C. M., Reimann, T., Heuvelink, G., Zwoliński, Z., Rachlewicz, G., Rymer, C. & Sommer, M. (2016). Arctic soil development on a series of marine terraces on central Spitsbergen, Svalbard: a combined geochronology, fieldwork and modelling approach. Soil, 2(2), 221-240.

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