Sedimentary Geology Innsbruck

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Research Highlights


Earthquake control of large prehistoric rockslides in the Eastern Alps

We shed new light on a long-lasting debate about the trigger mechanism of large rockslides in the Tyrolian Alps. Our state-of-the-art lake paleoseismolgy approach documents prehistoric earthquakes, larger than any of the reported historical events, that degraded the steep rock slopes towards failure.

publicationMedia Report


Organic carbon export to the hadal seafloor triggered by large earthquakes

We have integrated state-of-the-art methods to reveal drastic export of organic carbon to the hadal trench, shedding new light on the impact of large earthquakes on the deep-sea carbon cycle.

publicationMedia Report


A lake sediment perspective on time-dependent recurrence of strong earthquake shaking near plate boundaries

A worldwide review of lacustrine paleoseismology reveals contrasting recurrence patterns for strong earthquakes at plate boundaries and intra-plate settings.



New Paper in Nature Geo­science

Climatic pacing of extreme Nile floods during the North African Humid Period


New Paper in Marine & Petroleum Geol­ogy

New insights on detrital component and carbon burial in the eastern-central Mid-Adriatic deep


Con­grat­u­la­tions Dr. Mole­naar

On June 26 2024 Ariana Molenaar successfully defended her PhD. 


New Paper in G-cubed

Jana Molenaar´s latest paper on Earthquake-Trig­gered Soft-Sed­i­ment Defor­ma­tion Struc­tures in Lake Sed­i­ments is now published


New Papers in PAGES Magazine

Katleen Wils co-edited a special issue on (Paleo)-Earthquake and -Tsunami Science now published in PAGES Magazin, also featuring an article by Charlotte Pizer et al.,  on Combining onshore-offshore paleoseismic records to test for synchronicity of coastal deformation


New Paper in Sed­i­men­tologika

We document contrasting sedimentary and long-lasting geochemical imprints of seismic shaking in a small, groundwater-fed lake basin (Klopeiner See, Eastern European Alps)


New Paper in Sci­en­tific Drilling

We present the Late Glacial to Holocene Late Pleistocene to Holocene event stratigraphy of Lake Hallstatt revealed by the Hipercorig drilling system and borehole logging



We discussed great Science during our Group Retreat 2024


Wel­come Laura

We welcome Laura Schley as new PhD student in our research group


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