Expe­ri­ences of dis­crim­i­na­tion at the Univer­sity of Inns­bruck

Study on the experience of discrimination among students at the UIBK

Duration: October 1, 2023 - January 31, 2025


The main goal of this study is to gain insights into the experiences and observations of discrimination among students from the Faculties of Business and Management, Educational Sciences, and Philosophy and History, and the Master’s Programme Gender, Culture and Social Change at the Leopold-Franzens-University of Innsbruck. These insights will help define institutional responsibilities.

The overarching goal is to increase equal opportunities at the University of Innsbruck and to promote targeted structural adjustments to move closer to the ideal of a discrimination-free and inclusive university.


  1. Qualitative Method: Conducting (online) individual interviews with 15-20 students, using pseudonymization and evaluating the data through content and discourse analysis methods.
  2. Quantitative Method: Implementing an online survey with anonymized data collection.


  • First insight into subjective experiences of discrimination, exploratory character.

  • Development of specific measures in an empowering workshop.

Potential Risks and Burdens:

Participation in the survey on experiences and observations of discrimination can evoke emotional reactions. Participation is voluntary and can be terminated at any time without giving reasons.


  • 2023-2024: Conducting and evaluating individual interviews, designing and implementing the online questionnaire.
  • 2024-2025: Presentation of results, publication of the final report, conducting an empowerment workshop.
Tabelle Zeitplan Stand 23.11.28


  • Application of the study design to other faculties, continuous improvement of the university environment.

The results of the study were presented at an event at the University of Innsbruck on Tuesday, December 3, 2024.

Link zum Newsroom-Bericht (in German)

Download Projektbericht und Studienergebnisse (in German)

Study Director

Portrait Dinah Leschzyk

Dr. habil. Dinah Kristin Leschzyk

  • Independent researcher with extensive experience and qualifications in discrimination research.
  • PhD and habilitation in linguistics.
  • Degrees: Diploma in Romance Languages and Business Studies, B.A. in Political Science, Postgraduate European Studies.
  • B.A. thesis on “Discrimination, Structural Violence, Sexualized Violence: Commonalities and Differences Between Related Concepts.”
  • Project study on “Discrimination at the Department 03 Social Sciences and Philosophy of the Philipps-University Marburg” (Link to Final Report).
  • Habilitation on anti-queer rhetoric using Brazil as an example (Link).
  • Complete publication list and resume at: www.dinah-leschzyk.com

The study on experiences of discrimination at the University of Innsbruck was commissioned by the University of Innsbruck.

Results of the study

The results of the study can be found in the project's final report (in German):

Download Projektbericht (PDF)

Presentation of the study:

The results of the project were presented at the University of Innsbruck on December 3, 2024.
A report on the presentation of the study can be found here (in German):

Newsroom-Bericht zur Studienpräsentation

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