87. Inns­brucker Gen­der Lec­ture with Sophie Lewis and Friederike Beier (13. March 2025)

18:00 Uhr, Location to be announced
Panel discussion with moderation (in English)
Imagine otherwise: Rethinking and reinventing care. - Sophie Lewis, independent scholar and Friederike Beier, Otto Suhr Institute of Political Science, Freie Universität Berlin
Moderation: Laura Voggler, Center Interdisciplinary Gender Studies Innsbruck, University of Innsbruck

Portrait Sophie Lewis

Sophie Lewis is an author and independent scholar based in Philadelphia. She is teaching social and critical theory at the Brooklyn Institute for Social Research and is a visiting scholar at the Feminist, Queer and Transgender Studies Center at the University of Pennsylvania. She has published numerous texts in the “Boston Review”, the “New York Times”, “Feminist Theory” and the “London Review of Books”. Abolish the Family as well as her first book Full Surrogacy Now were published by Verso Books; a German translation by Lucy Duggan appeared with S. Fischer.

Portrait Friederike Beier

Dr. Friederike Beier(she/her) is a research associate at the Department of Gender and Diversity at the Otto Suhr Institute for Political Science at Freie Universität Berlin. In her research and teaching, she focuses on feminist state theory, theories and politics of time, reproductive injustice and the intersection of queer, decolonial and materialist feminist theories. She is co-editor of femina politica - Zeitschrift für feministische Politikwissenschaft and publishes books on the theories and struggles of social reproduction and materialist feminism with Unras

Her most recent publication (2023) is the volume materialistischer Queerfeminismus. Theorien zu Geschlecht und Sexualität im Kapitalismus.

Concept and Organisation
Denise Bergold-Caldwell, Laura Voggler, Julia Tschuggnall

Is that all? Prac­tices, sol­i­dar­i­ties and worlds thought fem­i­nist-utopi­an.

Innsbrucker Gender Lectures 2024/25


Archive of the Inns­bru­cker Gen­der Lec­tu­res

The Innsbruck Gender Lectures have been running since 2009 and most of them have been recorded. You can listen to them in the archive.

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