Institute for Specialised Didactics - comprehensive cooperation in specialised didactics
Das Institut für Fachdidaktik bündelt seit 2012 die fachdidaktische Ausbildung zukünftiger LehrerInnen von geistes- und naturwissenschaftlichen Fächern ebenso wie Mathematik unter einem institutionellen Dach.

Conference on specialised didactics
Die im 2-Jahres-Rhythmus durchgeführte Tagung bietet eine Plattform für aktuelle interne Forschungsarbeiten und -projekte sowie Impulse von außen.
The Institute for Specialised Didactics is divided into five areas: Education and Communication for Sustainable Development, German, History and Political Education, Mathematics and Natural Sciences and Languages.
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The Institute for Specialised Didactics (IFD) is an interdisciplinary institute that brings together
- research in connection with subject-specific learning and teaching
in different, changing educational contexts; this includes theoretical modelling and empirical research on aspects of the controlled and uncontrolled acquisition and assessment of subject-related competences and - research-based subject-specific didactic teacher training and further training
in the subjects German, English, French, Greek, Italian, Latin, Russian, Spanish; history, social studies, political education; biology and environmental studies, chemistry, geography and economics, computer science, mathematics and physics in the sense of a sustainable, equitable educational perspective.
Contact us
University Professor Dr Johannes Odendahl
Mag.a Annette Giesinger Mag.a Andrea Krotthammer, BA MA Francesca Moretti, MA
University of Innsbruck
Institute for Didactics
Innrain 52d
6020 Innsbruck, Austria