The Languages Department brings together numerous language teaching initiatives that have existed at the university for various periods of time. The department is headed and coordinated by habil. Mag.a Dr Anke Lenzing.
The cross-linguistic orientation of the department is unique in Austria. It guarantees a wide range of innovative synergies and co-operations between first, second and foreign language education and research concepts and integrates theoretical and applied research in pioneering academic projects as well as in research and theory-led teaching.
In this sense, the staff of the department are entrusted with the specialised didactic teacher training of Innsbruck students, are active in national and international language didactic research and work as lecturers in teacher training throughout Austria and internationally.
Management habil. Mag.a Anke Lenzing
Mag.aAndrea Krotthammer, BA MA
Languages Department
University of Innsbruck
Innrain 52d, Geiwi Tower, 5th floor
A-6020 Innsbruck, Austria
T +43 512 507 43019
Research areas
Research areas that are carried out both in teams and individually, across languages as well as language-specifically, are
Task culture
We research learning in the foreign language classroom, focussing in particular on learning tasks in order to formulate successful factors for these on the basis of evidence and to investigate their implementation in the classroom (e.g. Task-Based Language Teaching, ...).
Sonja Bacher | Simone Baumgartinger | Nicola Brocca | Kathrin Eberharter | Viktoria Ebner | Elisa Guggenbichler | Eva Maria Hirzinger-Unterrainer | Rebeca Iniesta Jiménez | Eva Konrad | Carmen Konzett-Firth | Benjamin Kremmel | Anke Lenzing | Doris Moser-Frötscher | Sandra Parhammer | Anna Romano | Katrin Schmiderer
Global Citizenship Education
Subject-specific learning goes hand in hand with the growing ability and willingness to assume responsibility in a globalised world. We research and reflect on specialised teaching/learning processes from the perspective of intercultural, postcolonial, multilingualism-sensitive and racism/discrimination-sensitive approaches in foreign language teaching.
Nicola Brocca | Benjamin Fliri | Eva Maria Hirzinger-Unterrainer | Magdalena Kaltseis | Carmen Konzett-Firth | Ornella Kraemer | Sabine Kroneder | Jasmin Peskoller | Katrin Schmiderer| Carol Spöttl | Sira Weber
Skills acquisition
We research the acquisition of skills by learners in different areas and from different perspectives. This includes factors external to the learner, such as social or institutional influences, as well as factors internal to the learner. In the area of foreign language acquisition, the focus is on learner-internal processes in the area of grammar acquisition, among other things.
Sonja Bacher | Martin Bauer | Nicola Brocca | Astrid Daucher | Kathrin Eberharter |Katharina Egger| Benjamin Fliri| Eva Maria Hirzinger-Unterrainer | Carmen Konzett-Firth | Benjamin Kremmel | Anke Lenzing | Doris Moser-Frötscher |Sandra Parhammer | Anna Romano |Katrin Schmiderer | Carol Spöttl |Wolfgang Stadler
Competence measurement
Testing and assessment is a central component of everyday school life and an important tool for learners and teachers for diagnosis, evaluation, feedback and planning of the learning process. We therefore conduct research into the development and validation of measurement instruments, assessment practices in foreign language teaching and the assessment skills of teachers. The Language Testing Research Group (LTRGI) is active in this field of research.
Martin Bauer Simone Baumgartinger | Kathrin Eberharter | 1 | Viktoria Ebner | Elisa Guggenbichler | Eva Konrad | Carmen Konzett-Firth | Benjamin Kremmel| Anke Lenzing | Doris Moser-Frötscher | Carol Spöttl | Wolfgang Stadler
Media & Digitality
We research (digital) media and texts as a means and as an object of subject-specific, linguistic and aesthetic teaching/learning processes and reflect on the transformation of these processes in the context of advancing digitalisation.
Sonja Bacher | Nicola Brocca | Eva Maria Hirzinger-Unterrainer | Magdalena Kaltseis | Carmen Konzett-Firth | Benjamin Kremmel