Lecture series "Didactics in the evening"
The "Didactics in the Evening" lecture series organised by the Institute of Subject Didactics has been offering a broad audience interested in subject didactics the opportunity to gain an insight into a wide variety of topics from current subject didactics research for many years. The lectures are given by experts from Germany and abroad and present research findings relevant to school didactics, making them of interest to researchers and teachers as well as practitioners.
Next lecture
Time: Monday, 17th March 2025, 17:15
Location: Lecture hall 3, Geiwi, ground floor (Campus Innrain)
Book Presentation: "Audiovisuelle Medien im Russischunterricht"
In the lecture, the two authors, Eva Binder and Magdalena Kaltseis, will present their book “Audiovisuelle Medien im Russischunterricht”, which has just been published by Narr-Verlag. It demonstrates the potential of audiovisual media for teaching Russian at schools, colleges and universities and supports Russian teachers in using audiovisual media in their lessons. The book offers well-founded and concise information on the contemporary Russian-language media landscape and its diverse formats. The selection of media examples includes cinema and feature films, Russian television and the two YouTubers Yuri Dud' and Il'ja Varlamov from the field of current internet formats. In addition to providing an overview, the book presents ways to promote language and media skills and encourages a critical reception of these media. The exercises and communicative tasks contained in the book are also made available online as worksheets so that they can be used directly in the classroom. They cover all language levels from A1 to C1.
In cooperation with the Research Center Cultures in Contact (KIK)

Mag.a Dr.in Eva Binder, University of Innsbruck
Eva Binder is a Slavist at the University of Innsbruck specializing in Russian cultural and media studies.

Mag.a Dr.in Magdalena Kaltseis, MA, University of Innsbruck
Magdalena Kaltseis is a Slavist at the University of Innsbruck specializing in Russian linguistics and didactics.
Programme for the summer term 2025
Monday, 17th March 2025, 17:15, Lecture hall 3, Geiwi, ground floor (Campus Innrain)
Eva Binder, Magdalena Kaltseis (University of Innsbruck), in cooperation with the Research Center Cultures in Contact (KIK)
Buchpräsentation: „Audiovisuelle Medien im Russischunterricht“
Monday, 7th April 2025, 17:15, Lecture hall 3, Geiwi, ground floor (Campus Innrain)
František Tuma (WU Vienna)
Making Sense of Social Interaction: Applying Conversation Analysis in Teacher Education and Business Counseling
Monday, 28th April 2025, 17:15, Lecture hall 3, Geiwi, ground floor (Campus Innrain)
Christina Imp (PH Tirol)
Rationale Zahlen zwischen starren Mustern und flexiblen Strategien – Wege zum besseren Verständnis
Monday, 19th May 2025, 17:15, Lecture hall 3, Geiwi, ground floor (Campus Innrain)
Paula Winke (Michigan State University), as part of the LFUI-Guestprofessorships
How language teachers benefit from using can-do-based self-assessments to measure proficiency
Monday, 2nd June 2025, 17:15, Lecture hall 3, Geiwi, ground floor (Campus Innrain)
Anja Ballis (LMU Munich)
Interaktive und immersive Medien in der Holocaust-Erinnerung: Didaktische Perspektiven am Beispiel des Projekts LediZ
Monday, 23th June 2025, 17:15, Lecture hall 3, Geiwi, ground floor (Campus Innrain)
Felix Hinz (PH Freiburg)
Mythen = "Glaubensinhalte eines primitiven Volkes" und Geschichte = "die wahren Berichte, die es später erfindet"? - Über mythisches und historisches Erzählen