
The staff of the Innsbruck Model of Foreign Language Didactics (IMOF) conduct subject-related research and work on the quality assurance of the model, among other things. Furthermore, the Innsbruck Model of Foreign Language Didactics offers stundents in the teacher training programme the opportunity to write their final theses in the field of foreign language didactics.

The Languages department has a cooperation agreement with HLWest, which is utilised in research and teaching.

Publications on the subject of "Testing and Assessment" can be found at Language Testing Research Group (LTRGI).

Awards and prizes


  • Benjamin Kremmel: TOEFL Essential New Scholar Award.


  • Jasmin Peskoller: Publication funding through the research focus
    "Cultural Encounters - Cultural Conflicts"


  • Eva Maria Hirzinger-Unterrainer: Prize of the Principality of Liechtenstein for Scientific Research.
  • Katrin Schmiderer: ProLehre funding from the Vice-Rectorate for Teaching and Students.


  • Tengler Bettina: France Prize of the interdisciplinary France Centre of the University of Innsbruck.
  • Dreher Anna: Ingeborg Ohnheiser Prize for qualification theses in the field of Slavic Studies.
  • Kremmel Benjamin: Recognition Award of the City of Innsbruck for scientific research.


  • Peskoller Jasmin: Recognition Award of the Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy.
  • Taglieber Johanna: France Prize 2016 of the interdisciplinary France Centre of the University of Innsbruck.
  • Hofmarcher Katharina: Shortlisted for the prize for women's/gender-specific/feminist research at the University of Innsbruck.


  • Gahr Kathrin: Richard and Emmy Bahr Scholarship, University of Innsbruck.
  • Kremmel Benjamin: Robert Lado Memorial Award.
  • Peskoller Jasmin: Richard and Emmy Bahr Scholarship, University of Innsbruck.
  • Schmiderer Katrin: Scholarship of the German Circle of Friends of the University of Innsbruck.


  • Fliri Benjamin: Richard and Emmy Bahr Scholarship, University of Innsbruck.


  • Hinger Barbara: Honourable mention with laudatory speech by Prof. Dr Daniela Caspari on behalf of the Board of Trustees of the Ludger Schiffler Prize for Foreign Language Didactics 2013, donated by Prof. Dr Ludger and Ingrid Schiffler, for the habilitation "Sprache lehren - Sprache überprüfen - Sprache erwerben: Empirische Einsichten in den schulischen Spanischunterricht - eine Fallstudie", presented at the 25th Congress for Foreign Language Didactics of the German Society for Foreign Language Research (DGFF), Augsburg, Germany.
  • Kremmel Benjamin: Caroline Clapham IELTS Masters Award.


  • Unterrainer Eva Maria: Dr Otto Seibert Prize for the dissertation on "Eine sprachenübergreifende (Fremd-)Sprachendidaktikausbildung aus studentischer Perspektive: ‚Innsbrucker Modell der Fremdsprachendidaktik‘ (IMoF)".


  • Zipser Katharina: Honourable mention award from the Federal Ministry of Science and Research.


  • Hinger Barbara, Wolfgang Kofler, Thomas Ladstätter, Erich Rainer, Andrew Skinner, Wolfgang Stadler, Karlheinz Töchterle: European Seal for Innovative Language Projects for "Qualitätssicherung und Qualitätsentwicklung in der Fremdsprachendidaktik", see:
  • Hinger Barbara: Ludger-Schiffler-Preis für Fremdsprachendidaktik, received for the dissertation "Intensiv versus extensiv: Der Faktor Zeitverteilung im schulischen Fremdsprachenerwerb am Beispiel des Spanischen", Freie Universität Berlin, Germany.


Publications 2014-2016

Publications 2011-2013

Publications 2008-2010


  • Hinger, Barbara (2007): "IMoF - Das Innsbrucker Modell der Fremdsprachendidaktik: Ein sprachenübergreifender und mehrsprachiger Ansatz in der Ausbildung von Fremdsprachenlehrer/innen." In: Zybatow, Lew N. (ed.): Sprach(en)kontakt - Mehrsprachigkeit - Translation. Innsbrucker Ringvorlesung zur Translationswissenschaft V, Frankfurt/Main, Peter Lang, pp. 245-266.
  • Morkötter, Steffi (2007): "Professional concepts of self and others in the context of language awareness and language learning at school." In: Vollmer, Helmut Johannes (ed.): Synergy effects in foreign language research. Empirische Zugänge, Probleme, Ergebnisse, Frankfurt, Peter Lang (series Kolloquium Fremdsprachenunterricht, vol. 27), pp. 121 - 134.
  • Stadler, Wolfgang (2007): "Obščeevropejskaja kompetencija vladenija inostrannymi jazykami: Insbrukskaja model' obučenija russkomu jazyku bakalavrov." In: Maprjal. Nedelja russkogo jazyka i rossijskogo obrazovanija v Avstrii. Materialy dokladov i soobščenij, Saint-Peterburg, pp. 49-55.


  • Hinger, Barbara (2006): "The Distribution of Instructional Time and its Effect on Group Cohesion in theForeign Language Classroom: A Comparison of Compact and Standard Format Courses." In: System 34/1, pp. 97-118 (online).
  • Kofler, Wolfgang (2006): "The teaching of classical languages and the Innsbruck Model of Foreign Language Didactics (IMoF): Possibilities and limitations." In: Kussl, Rolf (ed.): Präsenz der Antike = Dialog Schule-Wissenschaft, Klassische Sprachen und Literaturen 40, Speyer, pp. 157-172.


  • Hinger, Barbara; Kofler, Wolfgang; Skinner, Andrew; Stadler, Wolfgang (2005): "La formación de profesores de ELE dentro de un marco multilingüe: el 'modelo de Innsbruck'." In:redELE, número especial mayo 2005. (online). Reprint (2005): Miscelánea - Cuadernos para los Profesores de Español, n.9, 87-96.
  • Hinger, Barbara; Kofler, Wolfgang; Skinner, Andrew; Stadler, Wolfgang (2005): "The Innsbruck Model of Fremdsprachendidaktik: towards an integrated multilingual approach in pre-service teacher education." In: The Teacher Trainer 19/1, pp. 17-20 (online).
  • Morkötter, Steffi (2005): Language Awareness and Multilingualism. A study on language awareness and multilingualism from the perspective of foreign language learners and foreign language teachers. Frankfurt/M., Peter Lang (Series Kolloquium Fremdsprachenunterricht, vol. 21).


  • Hinger, Barbara (2004): "Intensive versus extensive - the time distribution factor in foreign language learning at school using the example of Spanish." In: Hispanorama 04/2, pp. 89-94.
  • Hinger, Barbara (2004): "Progression and regression of productive and receptive learner language areas using the example of multilingual Spanish learners." In: Tidsskrift for Sprogforskning, Arg. 2, No. 1, pp. 41-67 (online).
  • Hinger, Barbara; Kofler, Wolfgang; Skinner, Andrew; Stadler, Wolfgang (2004): "Latein und Griechisch und die Didaktik der modernen Fremdsprachen: The Innsbruck Model." In: Der Altsprachliche Unterricht 6/XLVII, pp. 46-52 (online).
  • Hinger, Barbara; Kofler, Wolfgang; Skinner, Andrew, Stadler, Wolfgang (2004): "Sochranjaem staroe i tvorim novoe: Metodika i didaktika inostrannych jazykov - Insbrukskaja model." In: Surovcev, I.S. (ed.): Naucnyj vestnik, vypusk 1: Sovremennye lingvisticeskie i metodiko-didakticeskie issledovanija, Voronež, pp. 104-113.
  • Hinger, Barbara; Kofler, Wolfgang; Skinner, Andrew; Stadler, Wolfgang (2004): "The Innsbruck Model of Fremdsprachendidaktik: towards an integrated multilingual approach in pre-service teacher education: A report." In: Conference Reader IATEFL TTEdSIG & Teaching Culture, Cologne, (CD-Rom publication, 5 pages).
  • Hinger, Barbara; Kofler, Wolfgang; Skinner, Andrew; Stadler, Wolfgang (2004): "The Innsbruck Model of Fremdsprachendidaktik: towards an integrated multilingual approach in pre-service teacher education: A report." In: ELT News-Austria 50, pp. 133-137.


  • Hinger, Barbara (2003): "Paths to multilingualism." In: Zybatow, Lew N. (ed.): Europe of Languages: Language Competence - Multilingualism - Translation. Proceedings of the 35th Linguistic Colloquium in Innsbruck, Part I: Language and Society. Frankfurt/Main, Peter Lang Verlag, pp. 51-68.
  • Hinger, Barbara (2003): "Approche intensives et extensives de l'apprentissage de l'espagnol." In: Heyworth, Frank (ed.): L'organisation de l'innovation dans l'enseignement des langues. Etudes de cas, Graz, Conseil de l'Europe, pp. 115-132.
  • Hinger, Barbara (2003): "Intensive and extensive approaches to learning Spanish." In: Heyworth, Frank (ed.): The organisation of innovation in language education. A set of case studies. Graz, Council of Europe, pp. 109-125 (online).


  • Hinger, Barbara; Skinner, Andrew; Stadler, Wolfgang (2002): "Qualitätssicherung und -entwicklung in der Fremdsprachendidaktik." In: Brunner, Hans; Mayr, Erich; Schratz, Michael; Wieser, Isedore (eds.): Lehrerinnen- und Lehrerbildung braucht Qualität. And how?", Innsbruck, Studienverlag, pp. 277-289.
  • Spöttl, Carol; Hinger, Barbara (2002): "A Multilingual Approach to Vocabulary Acquisition." In: Interactive CD-Rom L3
  • Conference, Fryske Akademy.


  • Bonfitto, Pasquale, Arbeitstitel: Italiano nella scuola media in lingua tedesca ad indirizzo musicale in Alto Adige/Südtirol: uno studio empirico sulla motivazione di alunni ed alunne nell'ambito della didattica dell'italiano con l'approccio della didattica della musica corale, betreut von Eva M. Hirzinger-Unterrainer und Heike Henning.
  • Daucher, Astrid, Arbeitstitel: Mündliche und schriftliche Performanzen im schulischen Spracherwerb des Spanischen: eine evidenzbasierte Fallstudie der Lernersprachentwicklung, betreut von Barbara Hinger.
  • Fliri, Benjamin, Arbeitstitel: Mehrsprachigkeitsdidaktische und sprachsensible Ansätze in der Ausbildung zukünftiger Fremdsprachenlehrpersonen: Ein evidenzbasierter Beitrag zur Professionalisierung in der PädagogInnenbildung Neu, betreut von Barbara Hinger.
  • Parhammer, Sandra Isabella, Arbeitstitel: The effects of TPR on the neurocognitive processing of a foreign language, betreut von Barbara Hinger in Kooperation mit Sonja Rossi.
  • Peskoller, Jasmin, Arbeitstitel: Cultural Diversity in Language Education. A Mixed-Methods Study on the Implementation of Cultural Learning in Austrian Lower Secondary English Classrooms, betreut von Eva M. Hirzinger-Unterrainer und Barbara Herzog-Punzenberger.
  • Pieber, Corinna, Arbeitstitel: Task-based language teaching (TBLT) for promoting students' Content-specific language in science subjects – An interdisciplinary study with a Focus on Physics, betreut von Barbara Hinger in Kooperation mit Wolfgang Dür.

  • Schmiderer, Katrin (2022): Schnittmengen rezeptiven und produktiven Grammatikerwerbs im Italienischen als Fremdsprache: Eine explorative Studie zur Übertragbarkeit der Processability Theory auf den rezeptiven Grammatikerwerb bei SchülerInnen der Sekundarstufe II, supervised by Barbara Hinger.
  • Taglieber, Johanna (2022): Task-based language teaching (TBLT) zur fachsprachlichen Förderung der Schülerinnen im naturwissenschaftlichen Unterricht – Eine fächerübergreifende Studie mit Fokus auf das Fach Biologie, supervised by Suzanne Kapelari in cooperation with Barbara Hinger.
  • Bacher, Sonja (2021): Die Nutzung digital-elektronischer Medien im schulischen Russischunterricht. Eine Basisuntersuchung im deutschsprachigen Raum, supervised by Wolfgang Stadler in cooperation with Barbara Hinger.
  • Eberharter, Kathrin (2021): An investigation into the rater cognition of novice raters and the impact of cognitive attributes when assessing speaking, supervised by Luke Harding (Lancaster University).
  • Bicsar, Andrea (2019): Putting feelings into words: The verbalization of emotions by instructed learners of English as a foreign language, supervised by Barbara Hinger in cooperation with Jean-Marc Dewaele, Birkbeck College University of London.
  • Unterluggauer, Sybille (2019): Wie erreicht Mehrsprachigkeitsdidaktik Lehrpersonen? – Subjektive Sichtweisen von Fremdsprachenlehrpersonen auf mehrsprachigkeitsdidaktische Ansätze im Unterricht und in der LehrerInnenbildung, supervised by Barbara Hinger in cooperation with Stefanie Morkötter, University of Rostock.
  • Unterthiner, Dominik (2019): The REM-Study. Rethinking Receptive Multilingualism. Intercomprehension Phenomena in Adolescent Language Learners. An Empirical Study, supervised by Barbara Hinger in cooperation with Nicole Marx, University of Cologne.
  • Egger, Marylin (2017): Differences and Similiarities in LX Motivational Aspects in Multilingual and Monolingual Regions – A Comparative Study of South Tyrolean and Hungarian Year 8 Students, supervised by Barbara Hinger.
  • Kremmel, Benjamin (2017): Development and initial validation of a diagnostic computer-adaptive profiler of vocabulary knowledge. Nottingham: University of Nottingham, PhD Thesis, supervised by Norbert Schmitt.
  • Frötscher, Doris (2016): An investigation into the washback of a standardized national exam on the classroom testing of reading, supervised by Tineke Brunfaut in cooperation with J. Charles Alderson and Dianne Wall, Department of Linguistics and English Language, Lancaster University, UK.
  • Mayr, Maria Magdalena (2014): Speaking in Two Voices: Eine empirische Studie zur Rezeption mehrsprachiger Gedichte im Fremdsprachenunterricht, supervised by Barbara Hinger in cooperation with Werner Delanoy, Alpen-Adria-University Klagenfurt.
  • Unterrainer, Eva Maria (2010): Eine sprachenübergreifende Ausbildung in der (Fremd-)Sprachendidaktik aus studentischer Perspektive: Das "Innsbrucker Modell der Fremdsprachendidaktik" (IMoF), supervised by Michael Schratz and Wolfgang Kofler.
  • Hinger, Barbara (2000):
    Intensiv versus extensiv: Der Faktor Zeitverteilung im schulischen Fremdsprachenerwerb am Beispiel des Spanischen (PDF, 7.936kb), supervised by Petra Braselmann and Paul Portmann, Karl-Franzens-University Graz.


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