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hosted by the Language Testing Research Group Innsbruck

University of Innsbruck

Dec. 9 to Dec. 13, 2024

Tasks in Language Assessment 


Following the very successful first EALTA Winter School in 2018 on “Assessing vocabulary in/for the language skills”, the Language Testing Research Group Innsbruck is hosting a second winter school under the patronage of EALTA in 2024

Given the crucial importance of tasks in authentic language assessments, and the need for more interdisciplinary approaches to tackle present and future challenges in language teaching and assessment, the winter school aims to bring together the members of the language assessment community and the task-based language teaching (TBLT) community. The theme targets an aspect at the heart of any assessment design, development and validation which does not always receive its due attention: the task. 

The aim of this Winter School is to address theoretical and practical underpinnings of the role of tasks in language assessment from multiple perspectives. Current social and technological developments are changing the nature of communication rapidly and are thus confronting language teachers and testers with new challenges. Will tasks need to change given that the use of AI tools in communication is becoming more prevalent, and if so, how? How can we pitch tasks at the appropriate level of difficulty and complexity? How will different task-related factors impact on performance and thus the validity of our score interpretations? How can we use technology beneficially in all of this, for instance to make sure that tasks and conditions are inclusive, fair, and equitable? 

The target audience is graduate students, pre- and in-service language teachers and teacher trainers, test developers and researchers, school program planners and other interested stakeholders involved in matters related to TBLT and language assessment. An international audience is welcome and encouraged. Up to 40 participants can be accommodated.



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