Schmiderer, Katrin, Mag.a PhD, BA
Innrain 52, room no. 40511, 5th floor, Geiwi Tower
Consultation hours: Wednesday, 5:00-6:00 pm or by appointment
ORCID 0000-0001-9030-5104
About the person
- University Assistant Post-Doc (50%), University of Innsbruck | October 2022 - today
- Teacher for Italian and Spanish, currently KORG Innsbruck | September 2016 - today
- Project assistant post-doc, "Anbahnungsfinanzierung für das Projekt Lernersprachenentwicklung im schulischen Kontext. Empirische Befunde für den Unterricht moderner Sprachen", Department of Romance Studies, University of Graz | July 2022 - September 2022
- Project assistant Erasmus+ project "DigiTask4IC", Institute for Didactics, University of Innsbruck | April 2022 - November 2022
- University Assistant Prae-Doc, Institute for Didactics, University of Innsbruck | October 2017 - October 2021
- University Assistant Prae-Doc, Institute for Didactics, University of Innsbruck (temporary replacement) | January 2016 - September 2017
- Student Assistant, Institute for Didactics and Institute for Translation Studies | October 2013 - December 2015
- Introduction to the didactics of foreign language teaching (PM1a)
- Language acquisition in plurilingual and digital contexts (BA and MA Spanish seminars)
- Elective course "Kollaboratives Digitales Task Design für den Fremdsprachenunterricht"
- Master's seminar on methods and instruments of subject-specific didactics research: Spanish
Teacher training programme
- KPH Edith Stein: Mentoring course "In-depth didactic aspects of mentoring"
- PH Tirol: ARGE leader for Italian (AHS, Tyrol)
- Further training for Italian and Spanish teachers at numerous PHs, most recently on "Learning by Doing: Task-orientated foreign language learning", "Ascoltami/Escúchame: Alternative approaches for more input in foreign language teaching"
- L2 acquisition in a school context (especially Italian and Spanish, in particular morphosyntax acquisition and current project on turn-taking)
- Development of digital learning materials and learning settings
- Learner autonomy
- Multilingualism in teacher training
- Learning and teaching Spanish in the context of the Western Sahara
- Schmiderer, K. (accepted, 2025). Investigating L2 developmental stages in productive and receptive language use – Revisiting key methodological issues. In PALART Series (Processability Approaches to Language Acquisition Research and Teaching) 10. Processability Theory: Extensions and Interfaces.
- Schmiderer, K., Brocca, N., Guggenbichler, E., & Konzett-Firth, C. (accepted, 2025). Exploring pre-service teachers’ criteria for evaluating collaboratively designed online tasks. TASK Journal.
- Schmiderer, Katrin (2024): Potenziale von tasks für die Förderung lexikalischer Kompetenz. In: Hirzinger-Unterrainer, E.M. (Hrsg.): Aufgabenorientierung im Italienischunterricht. Ein theoretischer Einblick mit praktischen Beispielen. Tübingen. Narr, pp. 45-83.
- Schmiderer, Katrin; Labeidi Hamdi, Fatimetu; Hinger, Barbara (2024): El español en los campamentos saharauis. In: Hispanorama 184, pp. 124-129.
- Schmiderer, Katrin; Hinger, Barbara (2023): "L'interlingua produttiva e ricettiva di studenti di italiano LS in un contesto di scuola secondaria austriaca". In: Italiano LinguaDue 15/2, 43-64.
- Schmiderer, Katrin (2023): Produktiver und rezeptiver Grammatikerwerb im schulischen Italienischunterricht. Eine Lernersprachenanalyse. Tübingen: Narr.
- Schmiderer, Katrin (2021): "„Italienisch- und Spanischlernen ‘wie ich selbst es gerne hätte’: Sprachlerntagebücher als Instrument zur Förderung von Lernerautonomie“. In: Harjus, Jannis; Autelli, Erica; Hassler, Gabriele; Konzett-Firth, Carmen; Lange, Stella; Zapf, Nora (eds.): Grenzen und Brücken in der Romania. Beiträge zum 35. Forum Junge Romanistik in Innsbruck. (18-20 March 2019). AVM: Munich.
- Schmiderer, Katrin; Zanasi, Lorenzo; Konecny, Christine; Autelli, Erica (2020): "Sviluppare la competenza lessicale e fraseologica tramite i task. Un contributo allo sviluppo di materiale per l'italiano L2", in: Italiano LinguaDue, V. 12 N. 2 (2020) (= Quaderni di Italiano LinguaDue 4, a cura di Enrico Serena, Gerald Bernhard, Irene Gallerani, Judith Visser), pp. 238-256.
- Hinger, Barbara; Hirzinger-Unterrainer, Eva M.; Schmiderer, Katrin (2020): "A Cross-Linguistic and Multilingual Pre-Service Teacher Education Programme: Insights From the Innsbruck Model of Foreign Language Teacher Education". In: Mickan, Peter; Wallace, Ilona (eds.): The Routledge Handbook of Language Education Curriculum Design, London - New York: Routledge, pp. 274-288.
Learning tasks (Open Educational Resources)
- Facciamo bella figura! 8 task fraseodidattici per studenti di italiano L2/LS.
- Tasks for the special promotion of lexical competence:
- Brochure from the Austrian Language Competence Centre "Building and applying linguistic skills in French, Italian and Spanish at level B1":
Scientific organisation
- Member of the European Second Language Association (EUROSLA), the Austrian Society for Foreign Language Didactics (ÖGSD), the Association for Applied Linguistics Austria (verbal)
- Membership of the inter-university network LiNe - Language in Education:
- Conference organisation: ÖGSD Junior Conference 2019 (together with Benjamin Fliri), 22nd International Symposium of Processability Approaches to Language Acquisition 2023 (together with Anke Lenzing)
- Coordinator of the DiA (Didactics in the Evening) lecture series
- Science education as part of the Young University, Children's University and BeSt
OPTIMIST project (2024-1-AT01-KA220-SCH-000248923, Erasmus +, 250.000€)
- Co-applicant and co-project leader
2021-2022 PRO teaching project for the implementation of digital tasks (€5,000, University of Innsbruck, together with Christine Konecny)
Other projects
LehrePlus! Prize 2022