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Interactive Graphics and Simulation Group

The Interactive Graphics and Simulation Group was founded in 2014 by Matthias Harders. Our scientific focus is on methods and algorithms in the areas of physically-based simulation, computer haptics, and virtual/augmented reality. We are also interested in human-computer interaction and multi-modal data visualization. The main application area of our developments is the medical domain.


Sub­sti­tut­ing Real­ity

Substituting Reality - Mixed Reality Course '24 - VU 703371

igs at Zeiss

igs research group members visiting Zeiss at Oberkochen

IGS at LNF24

IGS @ Long Night of Research 2024

Further News


Interactive Graphics and Simulation Group
Department of Computer Science
Universität Innsbruck
Technikerstrasse 21 A
6020 Innsbruck

+43 512 507 53338


Lisa Binderlehner

+43 512 507 53346


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