Marcel Ritter

Marcel Ritter

Postdoctoral Researcher - Google Scholar

PhD in Computer Science (CS), BSc in Civil Engineering (CE)

+43 512 507 53435

ICT, Room 3N04

Welcome digital traveller! I studied Computer Science and Civil Engineering at the University of Innsbruck (AUT), was involved in the research project Airborne Hydromapping at the Unit for Hydraulic Engineering, and joined the Doctoral School DK+ Computational Interdisciplinary Modeling pursuing a PhD in Computer Science - first affiliated to the Unit for Strength of Materials and Structural Analysis. Then, I joined the Interactive Graphics and Simulation Group, now working as postdoctoral researcher. During studying, I worked as a research staff member at the Center for Computation and Technology at the Louisiana State University (USA), and visited the Professorship for Graphical Computing at the Goethe University of Frankfurt (DE).

Beside my academic activities, I co-founded the gaming company Clockstone GmbH in 2007 and the Airborne Hydromapping Software GmbH (related to AHM) in 2014 - dedicated to bathymetric LiDAR data analysis and visualization. In those companies, I work(ed) as graphics artist, level designer, developer, researcher, and head of software development.

In my free time, I enjoy playing the bassoon in ensembles such as the University Orchestra Innsbruck or the traditional wind band Stadtmusikkapelle Innsbruck Wilten or playing P&P RPGs.

Research Interests

  • Current Focus
    • Physically Based Simulation
    • Procedural Content Generation
    • Eye Tracking
  • Computational Geometry
    • Geometric Reconstruction
    • Point Clouds
    • Bathymetric LiDAR
  • Computer Graphics
    • Scientific Visualization
  • Game Studies

Current Teaching

  • Signal Processing and Computational Geometry, Geometry Part (VO)
  • Applied Mathematics for Computer Science (VO)
  • Optimization and Numerical Computations, Numerical Part (PS)
  • Physically Based Simulation (PS)
  • Advanced Computer Graphics (PS)
  • Applied Mathematics for Computer Science (PS)
  • Strengh of Materials (PS)
  • Structural Analysis (PS)


         Please get in touch for project or thesis topics or to suggest an own idea, or ask .

  • Current master theses
    • ONeGS - Omnidirectional NeRF/GaussianSplatting SLAM
    • Geometrical Deviation Measures via LiDAR
  • Current bachelor theses
    • Personalized Speech Controlled Block Building
    • Rigid Brick Object Physics via PBD
    • Parallel Implementation of Soft Body Dynamics
    • Solving Hydrodynamics In An Anaerobic Digestion Tank With FLIP
    • Surgical Simulation: Haptic Scalpel
    • Surgical Simulation: PBD Fluids on Soft-bodies
  • Master theses
    • Adaptive Generation of Musical Variations (2022)
    • Automated Textual Description of Procedurally Generated 3D Scenes (pdf) (2021)
  • Bachelor theses
    • Interactive Soft Body Cutting (2023)
    • Virtual Multi-Camera System in Blender (2023)
    • Automatically Generated Platformer Game Levels via Reinforcement Learning (2022)
    • Implementation of Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics in SYCL (2022)
    • Prediction of Vortex Formation via Machine Learning (2022)
    • Interactive Audio Book (2020)
    • A Data File Converter for the F5 Project (2012)


  • Geometric Reconstruction and Visualization of Point Clouds by Second Order Tensor Neighborhoods (PhD) (CS) (diglib)
  • Comparing a Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics, a Position Based Dynamics, and a Finite Volume Method on a River Section Captured by Bathymetric LiDAR (BSc) (CE) (pdf)
  • Geodesics in Numerical Space Times (MSc) (CS) (amazon, pdf)
  • Introduction to HDF5 and F5 (BSc) (CS) (pdf)
  • Development of a Plug-In to Visualise Effects Caused by the Bending of Light by Masses - Rendering Black Holes in Maya (BSc, CS, pdf)
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