Partner Institutions

Select your study cycle, the study programme you would like to become mobile in or a specific country to narrow down your search for a host university for your exchange semester.

There are numerous partner universities we have interdisciplinary partnerships with. To view these universities, please select "Gesamtuniversität" (= university-wide) from the study programme drop-down menu.

Note for students of the Teacher Training Programme: You can apply for university-wide partner universites and the places in the respective subject are open to you as well (e.g. students of the Teacher Training Program Geography and mathematics can use the geography and mathematic places). The application is always based on one of the study subjects. 

The current list of partner universities on our English page is incomplete due to technical issues. 
You can view the complete list of our partner universities on the
german page.

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AR_U­ni­ver­si­dad Nacio­nal de La Matanza

Master | Diplom | Bachelor | Joint Study | Gesamtuniversität | Argentinien

DE_Ruhr-Uni­ver­si­tät Bochum

Doktorat/PhD | Master | Diplom | Bachelor | Erasmus+ | Vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft | Deutschland

FR_Aix-Mar­seille Uni­ver­sité

Master | Bachelor | Erasmus+ | Französisch | Sportwissenschaft | Vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft | Frankreich

SE_Lund Uni­ver­sity

Doktorat/PhD | Erasmus+ | Geschichte | Schweden
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