Work Package 3 – Learning for Societal Impact

Main objectives within this work package
- Equip a diverse student population with the skills and mindset to make them social entrepreneurs and innovators, willing and able to tackle the major challenges of our societies
- Aurora Teaching Development
The following activities will contribute in achieving this objective:
Aurora Competences Framework
Develop and implement the Aurora Competences Framework of general academic and personal competences with progressive performance descriptors, needed to ensure students become social entrepreneurs & innovators. In addition, improve and extend the use of Service Learning and International Internships as specific Aurora pedagogical methods contributing to skills/values development.
Aurora Social Transformation
Make our student population reflect the talent in the communities we serve, without underrepresentation of any groups in our population.
Aurora Borderless Learning
Create an Aurora Education Area with recognised mobility for all. All Aurora students have access to one set of digital services, aligned with the European Student Card and EuroPass and Aurora students can register through one Aurora course catalogue.
Aurora Pilot Domains
Test and implement our innovations in competences and mobility opportunities as well as in the SDG perspective in all programmes in four pilot challenge domains:
- Sustainability & Climate Change
- Digital Society & Global Citizenship
- Health & Well-being
- Culture: Diversity & Identity
Aurora Teaching For Societal Impact
Systematically equip and support academic teachers in Teaching for Societal Impact in terms of skills & mind-set, international experience, diverse classroom and/or SDG Perspective.
Aurora Learning Analytics
Strengthen the evidence base of Aurora education with big data analysis.
Involved experts from Universität Innsbruck:
Aurora Competences Framework
- Larissa Jenewein, MA, International Relations Office
- Christina Raab, Aurora European Universities Office
Aurora Social Transformation
- Christina Raab, Aurora European Universies Office
Aurora Borderless Learning
- Ortrun Gröblinger, Information Technology Services (ZID)
- Robert Natter, International Relations Office
- Katrin Mayr, Language Center
- Michael Redinger, Information Technology Services (ZID)
- Barbara Tasser, International Services
- Katharina Walch, International Relations Office
Aurora Pilot Domains
- Sustainability & Climate Change
- Bernhard Fügenschuh, Vice-Rector for Student Affairs and Teaching
- Stefan Mayr, Department of Botany
- Kerstin Neumann, Department for Strategic Management, Marketing and Tourism
- Digital Society & Global Citizenship
- Justus Piater, Digital Science Center (DISC)
- Health & Well-Being
- Frank Edenhofer, Institute of Molecular Biology
- Kathrin Thedieck, Institute of Biochemistry
- Culture: Diversity & Identity
- Dirk Rupnow, Institute for Contemporary History and Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy and History
Aurora Teaching For Societal Impact
- Isabella Göschl, Office for Staff Development
- Christina Raab, Aurora European Universities Office
Aurora Learning Analytics
- Ortrun Gröblinger, Information Technology Services (ZID)