Work Package 6 – Sustainability & Dissemination

Main objectives within this work package
- Our Management & Leadership (WP1), Quality Management (WP 2) as well as Sustainability & Dissemination (WP6) work packages will ensure that we achieve the objectives laid out in our substantive work packages WP 3, WP 4 and WP 5. The red thread running through these supportive activities is the holistic approach involving all Aurora members in all activities, in addition to the contribution of all activities to the building of the Aurora Alliance as a new European University with its own identity and culture, and the cross-fertilisation of ideas and outputs across the substantive work packages.
The following activities will contribute in achieving this objective:
Sustainability of the Aurora Alliance programme
Create the Aurora European University as a lasting institution as part of the European Education Area, by ensuring that there is a plan and preparation in place for the sharing of outcomes as well as enduring commitment to our vision and prioritisation among students, staff, leadership and external stakeholders.
Aurora Dissemination Plan
Contributes to active sharing of good practices and experience, resulting in a growing uptake of Aurora deliverables within and outside Aurora.
Involved Experts from Universität Innsbruck:
- Thomas Baumgartner, Aurora European Universities Office
- Uwe Steger, Office of Public Relations