
Aurora Global COIL Online Fair - Save the Date! (08 April 2025)

Do you want to create an impact on your students and your career while learning from others and internationalising your curriculum? Connect and meet potential matches for your COIL project.

Eras­mus+ Blended Inten­sive Pro­grammes (BIPs) at URV

The Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV) is excited to open registration for three upcoming Blended Intensive Programmes (BIPs) in Tarragona, Spain!

New Aurora Call for Joint Research Activ­i­ties

The Aurora Alliance has launched the second "Call for Incentive Research Collaboration" to strengthen research collaboration among member universities. This call aims to support joint research projects that align with Aurora's values and thematic priorities.

Open Aurora SuSe Courses 25 at Copen­hagen Busi­ness School (CBS)

Discover Social Entrepreneurship courses available to students, designed to enrich your academic and personal growth. Don’t miss the chance to explore and register!

AuRora on the go: ExperIenc­ing Europe in BrusSEls (ARISE)

Embark on an unforgettable 5-day journey to Brussels in the Summer Semester of 2025, and delve into the heart of European politics and institutions!

Sil­ver at the Sus­tain­abil­ity Award 2024

On November 26, 2024, the ceremonial networking and awards event for the Sustainability Award took place at MuTh in Vienna.

Edu­ca­tional Hub Event Cel­e­brates Suc­cess: Aurora Stu­dents Excel in 3MTs

Under the Aurora banner, the Aurora Office of Universität Innsbruck organized a combined Blended Intensive Programme (BIP) for staff and students from October 20 to 25, 2024, in Matrei and Innsbruck.

3MT Pre­sen­ta­tions: Aurora Course "Ris­ing Voic­es: Emerg­ing Schol­ars' Forum"

Join us on 25 October 2024 to celebrate Aurora international students as they present their findings from the “Rising Voices: Emerging Scholars' Forum.” Using the engaging 3MT (Three Minute Thesis) format, participants will communicate their complex ideas clearly and concisely in just three minutes with a single visual slide.

Become an Aurora Stu­dent Ambas­sador for the 2024/25 aca­demic year – sign up now!

As the new semester begins, Aurora is once again opening applications for the Aurora Student Ambassador Program, seeking motivated students who wish to get involved during the 2024/25 academic year.

BIP: Lin­guis­tic Diver­si­ty, Inter­cul­tural Com­pe­tences & Euro­pean Iden­tity

Attention Bachelor’s, Master’s, and PhD students in Education, Humanities, or Social Sciences! Join us as four Aurora Universities, located in diverse regions across Europe, come together with a shared mission: to explore and learn about linguistic diversity and innovative pedagogical approaches inspired by plurilingualism. Don’t miss this opportunity to be part of an exciting initiative!

Sur­vey for Master and PhD Stu­dents: Open Science and Citi­zen Science in Aurora Univer­si­ties

Are you an MA or PhD student passionate about shaping the future of research? We invite you to participate in a brief survey designed specifically to explore the role of Open Science and Citizen Science in the Aurora Alliance.

Aurora Short-Term Mobil­ity for Early-Career Researchers

Aurora and the Förderkreis 1669 offer early-career researchers (master's students, doctoral candidates, and postdocs) the opportunity to undertake a research stay in a laboratory or research unit at an Aurora partner university. These research stays can last up to 3 months and are supported with a maximum funding of EUR 7,000.

Open Aurora Courses at the Univer­sity of Ice­land WiSe 24/25

Register today for the Winter Semester 2024/25 Aurora Courses at the University of Iceland and discover boundless opportunities for learning.

Aurora Courses Offer at Palacký Univer­sity Olo­mouc WiSe 24/25

Register now for the Fall Semester 2024/25 Aurora Courses at Palacky University, Olomouc, and unlock limitless learning opportunities.

Open Call: Aurora Inter­na­tional Con­fer­ence on "The Role of Higher Edu­ca­tion in Peace­build­ing"

From the 17th to 21st of February 2025, the Aurora Karazin University Peace Education Hub invites you to a 5-day International Conference on "The Role of Higher Education in Peacebuilding", hosted by the Unit for Peace and Conflict Studies at Universität Innsbruck.

Job Open­ings for the seizmic MSCA Doc­toral Net­work

Apply now for one of the 15 PhD positions within the SEIZMIC Doctoral Network! Join leading academic institutions and partners from diverse sectors to collaboratively research the scaling of social enterprises and reshape social entrepreneurship education. 

4th SEIZMIC Hackathon "Re-think­ing Food Sys­tems in the Anthro­pocene" | Octo­ber 2024

Under the Erasmus+ BIP program, the 4th Seizmic Hackathon has been organized by the University of Naples Federico II, in partnership with the Copenhagen Business School, the University of Iceland, the University Rovira i Virgili and the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. 

SUSEET 2.0 in Naples 09-14 Septem­ber 2024

SUSEET 2.0 is a Summer School in European Environmental Taxation and policies that will take place from 9th to 14th September 2024 with the support of the European Union.

CALL: Edu­ca­tional Hub Events 2024 (BIPs) for Stu­dents and Staff

Join us for a transformative one-week retreat designed exclusively for emerging scholars, including late Master's and PhD students, and established scholars in October 2024 in Matrei/Innsbruck. 

Euro­pean Stu­dent Assem­bly 2024: High­lights and Out­comes

From April 10th to 12th, 2024, the European Student Assembly (ESA) convened its third session at the European Parliament in Strasbourg. Members of the Aurora Student Council (ASC) and students from Aurora universities represented Aurora universities’ student voice and were actively involed in shaping the ESA24 Policy Recommendations paper.

BIP: How to increase social impact of your teach­ing using LOUIS Com­pe­tence Frame­work to improve your course

Join a Blended Intensive Program organized by Palacký University in Olomouc in November 2024, showcasing the transformative power of the LOUIS tool within the Aurora Competences Framework. Discover how the LOUIS tool, can amplify the impact of your courses on students academic and personal growth.

Euro­pean Com­mis­sion Awards Grant for seizmic Doc­toral Net­work

Leading academic institutions within Aurora universities, and associated partners from diverse sectors, were recently successful in their grant application to the European Commission’s Call for MSCA Doctoral Networks 2023.

2024 Online Spring School on Trans­fer­able Skills

Are you considering the next step in your career? This 2-day online Spring School will focus on enhancing your abilities in paper, grant, and CV writing, as well as navigating the process of securing a faculty position.

Together for a sus­tain­able future: Lec­tur­ers at Univer­sität Inns­bruck develop inter­dis­ci­pli­nary teach­ing and learn­ing con­cepts for WS24

From 3 to 5 April 2024, a Peer Learning Activity (PLA) developed by the Rectorate, the Aurora European University Office Innsbruck and UniNEtZ took place on the topic of "Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)".

Science and Soci­ety: Reflect­ing on Trans­for­ma­tive Dia­logue Train­ing

From 16 to 19 April 2024, the "Science and Society: Transformative Dialogue Training" took place at the University of Innsbruck as part of the Aurora RI project. This training comprised a series of workshops dedicated to promoting the third mission and science communication.

Set­ting the course: On the way to the first Aurora Joint Master Pro­gram

The four-year EU project EURIDICE (an acronym for European Inclusive Education for Digital Society, Social Innovation and global Citizenship) was launched on 1 January 2024 as part of a kick-off meeting of the consortium at VU Amsterdam.

Aurora Dig­i­tal Cam­pus: Foun­da­tions laid for the joint dig­i­tal cam­pus

A workshop on the further development of the Aurora Digital Campus took place in Innsbruck from 5 to 8 March 2024. Over four intensive days, IT experts and other relevant administrative staff took part in setting the course for the joint digital campus.

Aurora rec­om­men­da­tions on attrac­tive and sus­tain­able aca­demic careers

As part of the European Commission's public consultation process on its initiative on attractive and sustainable careers in higher education, the Aurora Network submitted comments.

VU Ams­ter­dam Sum­mer School 2024

Embark on a transformative academic journey with the 11th edition of VU Amsterdam Summer School. Tailored for students from Aurora member universities, a carefully curated selection of 10 courses aligns seamlessly with the cutting-edge domains of the Aurora pilot program. Immerse yourself in one- and two-week summer courses designed with precision—small-scale, dynamic, and covering a spectrum of themes. 

BIP - Mobil­ity Recog­ni­tion & Dig­i­tal­iza­tion of Eras­mus Pro­cesses in May 2024

The Faculty of Arts of Palacký University Olomouc invites you to a Blended Intensive Program Erasmus+ (BIP) on the Digitalization of Erasmus Processes. The main focus of it shall be the digitalization of various processes in particular, processes related to mobilities and study agenda including but not limited to EWP (Erasmus Without Papers). We aim to share examples of good practices in terms of administrative and IT solutions.

Call for nom­i­na­tions – AURORA fel­low @ UDE in the sum­mer semes­ter 2024

Das AURORA-Fellowship ist ein zweiwöchiges Programm, das mit Unterstützung des Fördervereins der Universität Duisburg-Essen eingerichtet werden konnte. Ziel ist es, international renommierte, im europäischen Universitätsnetzwerk AURORA Alliance tätige Wissenschaftler:innen an die Universität einzuladen, um mit Forscher:innen, Promovierenden, Postdocs und Studierenden unserer Universität in einen intensiven Austausch zu treten.

Call for par­tic­i­pa­tion: Aurora Global COIL Fair on Sus­tain­abil­i­ty: 23 April 2024

The Fair is a “speed dating” opportunity for academics and coordinators to meet other instructors interested in finding work partners from Aurora member and associate partner institutions. 

Aurora strength­ens bonds with the Univer­sity of Min­nesota

New opportunities will emerge at the Aurora universities with increased participation of the University of Minnesota (UMN) in the network. Jón Atli Benediktsson, rector of the University of Iceland and President of Aurora Network, and Joan T.A. Gabel signed an agreement pertaining to increased collaboration with the Aurora Network to explore new ways for UMN to participate in the network. 

Work­shop: Assess­ing Euro­pean Univer­si­ties between Social Impact and Qual­ity Assur­ance at UNINA

This workshop at University of Naples Federico II (September 29-30, 2022) will further expand our understanding of how to assess the social impact of universities with a focus on how European Universities innovate teaching, research, and knowledge diffusion across multiple contexts.

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