The starting point of the discussions was the development of a common understanding of the digital campus and its building blocks. It was decided that a common central course catalogue, which collects information on courses from the individual university systems, is the first building block. Building on this, procedures for automated enrolment and course registration processes in the local systems as well as access to the local teaching management systems can be developed. The issuing, exchange and archiving of digital credentials then form the final building block, for which new IT solutions need to be developed.
To realise these plans, further working groups were set up along the various topics. In the area of the joint course catalogue, a pilot that has already been developed will be expanded to include further universities (Free University of Amsterdam and the University of Rovira i Virgili) and its functionality tested. The University of Duisburg-Essen and the University of Rovira i Virgili will also develop a proof of concept for automated enrolment and course registration in the local university systems, while the University of Innsbruck and the University of Naples will be responsible for developing a concept for digital credentials.