GOAL 17 Partnership for the Goals
Strengthen the implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development
SDG 17 calls for a universal, rules-based, open, non-discriminatory and equitable multilateral trading system under WTO and the implementation of duty-free and quota-free market access for all least developed countries.
It also highlights the importance of global macroeconomic stability and support to developing countries in attaining long-term debt sustainability. Enhanced support to developing countries to increase the availability of quality statistical data and develop measures of progress on the SDGs is also seen essential for delivering on the sustainable development objectives.
Monitoring SDG 17 in an EU context focuses on progress made in strengthening global partnership and in improving the financial governance in the EU.
Education for Sustainable Development Goals
Suggestions for the development of specific sustainability competencies from the action-oriented, transformative educational and learning outcome-oriented guide Education for Sustainable Development Goals, UNESCO (2017)
Suggested learning objectives
Cognitive learning objectives
- The learner understands global issues, including issues of financing for development, taxation, debt and trade policies, and the interconnectedness and interdependency of different countries and populations.
- The learner understands the importance of global multi-stakeholder partnerships and the shared accountability for sustainable development and knows examples of networks, institutions, campaigns of global partnerships.
- The learner knows the concepts of global governance and global citizenship.
- The learner recognizes the importance of cooperation on and access to science, technology and innovation, and knowledge sharing.
- The learner knows concepts for measuring progress on sustainable development.
Socio-emotional learning objectives
- The learner is able to raise awareness about the importance of global partnerships for sustainable development.
- The learner is able to work with others to promote global partnerships for sustainable development and demand governments’ accountability for the SDGs.
- The learner is able to take ownership of the SDGs.
- The learner is able to create a vision for a sustainable global society.
- The learner is able to experience a sense of belonging to a common humanity, sharing values and responsibilities, based on human rights
Behavioral learning objectives
- The learner is able to become a change agent to realize the SDGs and to take on their role as an active, critical and global and sustainability citizen.
- The learner is able to contribute to facilitating and implementing local, national and global partnerships for sustainable development.
- The learner is able to publicly demand and support the development of policies promoting global partnerships for sustainable development.
- The learner is able to support development cooperation activities.
- The learner is able to influence companies to become part of global partnerships for sustainable development.
Suggested topics
Global partnerships between governments, the private sector and civil society for sustainable development, their shared accountability and possible conflicts between the different actors
Local, national and global systems, structures and power dynamics
Global governance and policies and the global market and trading system in the light of sustainable development
The prisoner’s dilemma and tragedy of the commons as challenges for creating global governance and markets promoting sustainable development
Global citizenship and citizens as change agents for sustainable development
Cooperation on and access to science, technology and innovation, and knowledge sharing
Global distribution of access to the internet
Development cooperation, development assistance, and additional financial resources for developing countries from multiple sources
Capacity-building to support national plans to implement all the SDGs
Measurements of progress on sustainable development
Examples of learning approaches and methods
Develop partnerships or global web-based distance education experiences between schools, universities or other institutions in different regions of the world (South and North; South and South)
Analyse the development and implementation of global policies on climate change, biodiversity, etc.
Analyse the progress in implementing the SDGs globally and at the national level, and determine who is accountable for progress or lack thereof
Plan and implement an SDGs awareness campaign
Perform simulation games related to global conference negotiations (e.g. National Model United Nations)
Plan and run a (youth) action project on the SDGs and their importance
Develop an enquiry-based project: “Together we can….Explore this commonly used phrase and how it applies to the SDGs”
External Links
Department of Economic and Social Affairs, United Nations
Targets and Indicators of Goal 17