
Complete list of publications and presentations including A. Kendl as author since 2008: ->


Link to FLD



  • GHW: A simulation code for gyrofluid Hasegawa-Wakatani plasma turbulence.
    A. Kendl.
    Computer Physics Communications 307, 109412 (2025). 
    doi:10.1016/j.cpc.2024.109412  (Open access)

  • Hysteresis in the gyrofluid resistive drift wave turbulence to zonal flow transition
    F. Grander, F. Locker, A. Kendl.
    Physics of Plasmas 31, 052301 (2024).doi:10.1063/5.0202720  (Open access)
  • Effects of plasma resistivity in three-dimensional full-F gyro-fluid turbulence simulations.
    M. Wiesenberger, M. Held
    Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 66, 065003 (2024).  (Open access)
  • TIFF: Gyrofluid Turbulence in Full-f and Full-k.
    A. Kendl
    Computer Physics Communications 294, 108953 (2024).doi:10.1016/j.cpc.2023.108953   (Open access)
  • Numerical evaluation of line, surface and toroidal integrals on level sets of toroidally symmetric functions.
    M. Wiesenberger, R. Gerru, M. Held
    Journal of Computational Physics 491, 112407 (2023).doi:10.1016/  (Open access)
  • A finite volume flux coordinate independent approach.
    M. Wiesenberger, M. Held
    Computer Physics Communications 291, 108838 (2023).doi:10.1016/j.cpc.2023.108838  (Open access)
  • Non-trace full-F gyro-fluid interchange impurity advection.
    E. Reiter, M. Wiesenberger, M. Held, G.W. Zarate-Segura, A. Kendl
    Journal of Plasma Physics 89, 905890110 (2023)doi:10.1017/S0022377822001283  (Open access)
  • Beyond the Oberbeck-Boussinesq and long wavelength approximation.
    M. Held, M. Wiesenberger
    Nuclear Fusion 63, 026008 (2023)doi:10.1088/1741-4326/aca9e0  (Open access)

Selected older publications in refereed journals

  • Reproducibility, accuracy and performance of the Feltor code and library on parallel computer architectures.
    M. Wiesenberger, L. Einkemmer, M. Held, A. Gutierrez-Milla, X. Saez, R. Iakymchuk
    Computer Physics Communications 238, 145 (2019)doi:10.1016/j.cpc.2018.12.006 |arXiv:1807.01971
  • Streamline integration as a method for structured grid generation in X-point geometry.
    M. Wiesenberger, M. Held, L. Einkemmer, A. Kendl
    Journal of Computational Physics 373, 370 (2018)doi:10.1016/ |arXiv:1803.10507
  • Unified transport scaling laws for plasma blobs and depletions.
    M. Wiesenberger, M. Held, R. Kube, O.E. Garcia
    Physics of Plasmas 24, 064502 (2017)doi:10.1063/1.4985318 |arXiv:1701.04225
  • Gyrofluid computation of magnetic perturbation effects on turbulence and edge localized bursts.
    J. Peer, A. Kendl, T.T. Ribeiro, B.D. Scott
    Nuclear Fusion 57, 086026 (2017)doi:10.1088/1741-4326/aa777f |arXiv:1612.04121
  • The influence of temperature dynamics and dynamic finite ion Larmor radius effects on seeded high amplitude plasma blobs.
    M. Held, M. Wiesenberger, J. Madsen, A. Kendl
    Nuclear Fusion 56, 126005 (2016)doi:10.1088/0029-5515/56/12/126005 |arXiv:1602.04999



Alexander Kendl:
Plasma turbulence in complex magnetic field structuresbrosch., 104 Seiten, 19 sw-Abbildungen. Preis: 12 Euro
2007, innsbruck university press • iup • ISBN: 978-3-902571-17-5




Alexander Kendl (Hg.):
50 Jahre Plasmaphysik und Fusionsforschung an der Universität Innsbruckbrosch., 214 Seiten, 19 s/w-Abbildungen und Tabellen. Preis: 19,90 Euro
2008, innsbruck university press • iup • ISBN: 978-3-902571-82-3


[ pdf (8MB) ]





Irene Milewski, Alexander Kendl, Paul Scheier (Hg.):
Contributions: XVIIth Symposium on Atomic, Cluster and Surface Physics (SASP 2010)brosch., 286 Seiten, zahlr. Abb., Grafiken und Tabellen. Preis: 19,90 Euro
2010, innsbruck university press • iup • ISBN: 978-3-902719-52-2 



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