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Aleksandra Staonjevic got an Award for the best paper at the Etran, Society for Electronics, Telecommunications, Computers, Automatics and Nuclear Engineering presented in the Section of Power Engineering (EEI) at the XI International Conference - IcEtran 2024. The name of the paper is: Transient behavior and Moving Average model of Active Resonant Voltage Balancer for Supercapacitor module.

Our project "Hybrid Energy Storage Systems for Mobile Robotic Applications (HESS4MRA)" has started successfully! At the kickoff-meeting on Tuesday, we discussed innovative energy storage solutions for mobile robots to make them more energy-efficient, powerful, and sustainable, thus contributing to a more sustainable future.
We discussed various technologies and approaches and are full of enthusiasm for the upcoming collaboration. Thanks to all participants for the engaging discussions! We look forward to the upcoming challenges and finding innovative solutions together. We are full of enthusiasm for the upcoming challenges and would like to thank Infineon Technologies and KUKA for the collaboration! HESS4MRA project ist funded by FFG Austrian Research Promotion Agency

Univ. Prof. Petar J. Grbović recieved '2019 First Prize Paper Award' from IEEE Industry Applications Society.
The IEEE Industry Applciations society presented the First Price Paper award for the manuscript coauthored with Marco di Menedetto, Alessandro Lidozzi, Luca Solero and Fabio Crecimbini entiteled:
"Failure Mode Anaysis of the 3 Phase 5 Level E-Type converter"

Dipl.-Ing. Andreas Hanshek B.Eng. recieved 'The Best Student Paper Awards'from Ee2021.
The Ee2021 International Award Comittee and Power Electronics Community acknoledge the high quality of the research work for the paper entitled:
"Analysis of power distribution systems based on low‐voltage DC/DC power supplies for automated guided vehicles (AGV)"
by Andreas J. Hanschek, Yann E. Bouvier, Erwin Jesacher and Petar J. Grbovic
from University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck Power Elect.Lab. (i-PEL), Innsbruck, Austria.
Dipl.-Ing. Andreas Hanshek B.Eng. recieved the price for being the first Author of the paper presented at the Ee2021 conference.
Univ. Prof. Petar J. Grbović has published two journal papers, IEEE Trans. on Industry Applications.
- Petar J. Grbović and Luca Solero, “Guest Editorial: Special Issue on High Performance Power Electronic Converters: Topologies, Control, and Devices “, IEEE Trans. On Industry Applications, 55, No. 6, pp. 7356 - 7357, November -December 2019 (DOI: 10.1109/TIA.2019.2943315)
- Marco Di Benedetto, Petar J. Grbović, Alessandro Lidozzi, Luca Solero and Fabio Crescimbini, “Low Volume and Low Weight 3-Phase 5-Level Back to Back E-Type Converter “, IEEE Trans. Industry Applications, 55, No. 6, pp. 7377 - 7388, November -December 2019 (DOI: 10.1109/TIA.2019.2928508
IEEE PELS DL Talk at Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP), Malaysia
Univ. Prof. Petar J. Grbović visited the Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP), Malaysia and he gave Desingushed Lectuer speech. The DL talk entitled “Power Converters for Energy Storage Applications: Analysis and Design from Theory to Practice” was presented on29th of November 2019,
IEEE Tutorial at IFEEC 2019
Univ. Prof. Petar J. Grbović presented a tutorial “Multi-Level & Multi-Cell Converters: A Way to go beyond the Limits” at the4th IEEE International Future Energy Electronics Conference (IFEEC 2019) in Singapore,
IEEE PELS DL Talk in Brazil
Univ. Prof. Petar J. Grbović visited three universities in North Brazil and give speech as Distinguished Lecturer of IEEE PELS.
- The DL talk entitled “Power Converters for Energy Storage Applications: Analysis and Design from Theory to Practice” November11th 2019: The University of Pernambuco, Recife.
- The DL talk entitled “Power Converters for Energy Storage Applications: Analysis and Design from Theory to Practice” November12th 2019: The University Joao Pessoa
- The DL talk entitled “Multi-Level & Multi-Cell Power Converters, A Way to go Beyond the Limits” November13th (afternoon) 2019: November6th 2019: The University of Campina Grande (UFCG)
IEEE Joint IAS/PELS/IES German & Austrian Chapters Meeting
The Joint IAS/PELS/IES German and Austrian Chapter meeting was held on October24th and25th of October 2019 at Innio Jenbacher GmbH & Co OG in Jenbach, Tyrol and at the University of Innsbruck, Institute of Mechatronics, Innsbruck Power Electronics Lab. (i-PEL). This Chapter Meeting is a double Joint Chapter Meeting and it comprises the different professional societies Power Electronics, Industrial Electronics and Industry Applications PELS/IEA/IES as well as two different sections (Germany and Austria).
Univ. Prof. Petar J. Grbović has published aIEEE Conference paper:
” Failure Mode Analysis of the 3-Phase 5-Level E-Type Converter”, ECCE America 2019, Baltimore, USA, September29th -October3rd, 2019 (DOI: 1109/ECCE.2019.8912719)
ICPE 2019-ECCE Asia conference
Univ. Prof. Dr. Petar J. Grbović will present a tutorial:
- Power Converters for Energy Storage Applications :
Analysis and Design from Theory to Practice
and two conference papers:
- Partial-Power Rated Single-Phase Diode Boost Rectifier for Three-Phase Applications, and
- 5 Level E-Type Back to Back Power Converter for Integrated Generator-Converter System
ICPE 2019-ECCE Asia is one of the most important conferences that bring Power Electronics Society members together from around the world to share professional experiences, expand our professional networks, and receive updates on the latest advances in science and technology in the field of power electronics.

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Petar J.Grbović has been selected as a Distinguished Lecturer (DL) of the IEEE Power Electronics Society (PELS).
The IEEE Distinguished Lecturer Program is one of the most exciting offers avaliable to the IEEE Society Chapters. Each year, the IEEE PELS selects a few distinguished members of our profession as Lectures. This not only celibartes and honors their high Achievments in the filed of Power Electronics but alos supports PELS chapter activities by providing high profile Speakres for local chapter/section Events.
For further Informations visit:

i-PEL joins ECPE network as a Competence Centre
Thanks to the support of industrial members of the ECPE network, Innsbruck Power Electronics Lab. (i-PEL ) has been recognized and integrated into the ECPE as a new member of Competence Centre Family. Being an active member of the ECPE network will further strengthen our links with European industrial and academic partners, offering great potential for future research collaborations, educational activities and promotion of the role and importance of power electronics University of Innsbruck in general.
ECPE European Center for Power Electronics e.V. was founded in 2003 on the initiative of the 8 leading companies of power electronics industry as an industry-driven Research Network. In the meantime the network comprises 91 member companies. Furthermore, more than 97 European universities and research institutes are integrated in the network as so called Competence Centres.
As a European technology and innovation platform, ECPE is driving precompetitive joint research and set up research & technology roadmaps for a strategic research agenda with future research directions according to the demands of European power electronics industry. The ECPE education and training program covers a wide range of current topics and addresses especially engineers from industry.
In the ECPE foundation phase it was a major challenge to emphasize the importance of power electronics. But driven by the megatrends to increase the energy efficiency, the use of renewable energy and then later e-mobility, the importance of power electronicsand the corresponding awareness has changed a lot. The topic has moved from the niche to the spotlight.
Power electronics is a key technology with influence on the overall infrastructure of energy supply, the industrial area of motion control and drives, the industry automation and on the traffic technics. Furthermore, power electronics is a technology driver for the future intelligent systems with communication capabilities, and holds an enormous energy saving potential in home & office