Publikationen 2025
Beiträge in Büchern / Zeitschriften
Zeitschriftenaufsatz (Originalarbeit)
- Baschera, Nícolas Eugênio Lima; Di Benedetto, Marco; Lidozzi, Alessandro; Solero, Luca; Grbović, Petar J. (2025): Decoupling Current Ripple in PHIL PMSM Emulation Using LCL filter: A Fundamental Frequency Analysis.
In: IEEE Open Journal of Power Electronics. (DOI)
Publikationen 2024
Beiträge in Büchern / Zeitschriften
Zeitschriftenaufsatz (Originalarbeit)
- Miletić, Zoran; Grbović, Petar J. (2024): Analysis and Design of a Single-Phase Half-Bridge Rectifier with an Active DC bus.
In: IEEE Access 12, S. 100591 - 100601. (DOI) - Miletić, Zoran; Grbović, Petar J.; Menyard, Thierry (2024): Analysis and Design of SiC Three-phase Four-wire 5 Level E Type STATCOM Inverter.
In: IEEE Access 12, S. 102521 - 102535. (DOI)
Beitrag in Proceedingsband
- Baschera, Nicolas Eugenio Lima; Di Benedetto, Marco; Lidozzi, Alessandro; Solero, Luca; Grbović, Petar J (2024): PMSM Power-Hardware-in-the-Loop Emulation using LCL Coupling Network.
In: 2024 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE Europe). 2-6 Sept. 2024, Darmstadt, Germany. Piscataway, NJ: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)., ISBN 979-8-3503-6444-6, S. 1 - 6. (DOI) - Hanschek, Andreas J.; Grbović, Petar (2024): Optimizing Hybrid Energy Storage Dynamics: Modeling and Control of Super-Capacitors Using Buck and Interleaved Buck Converters.
In: 2024 11th International Conference on Electrical, Electronic and Computing Engineering (IcETRAN). Piscataway, NJ: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)., ISBN 979-8-3503-8699-8, S. 1 - 6. (DOI) (Weblink) - Mootz, Pit; Hanschek, Andreas; Stanojevic, Aleksandra; Grbovic, Petar (2024): Improved control algorithms for battery management systems to reduce redistribution of charge within energy storage systems.
In: 2024 IEEE 10th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference (IPEMC2024-ECCE Asia). 17-20 May 2024. Piscataway, NJ: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)., ISBN 979-8-3503-5134-7, S. 2072 - 2077. (DOI) (Weblink) - Stanojević, Aleksandra; Grbović, Petar; Lidozzi, J. Alessandro; Di Benedetto, Marco; Solero, Luca (2024): Analysis and Operation of Two-Stage Isolated ISOP Converter with Partial Power Processing for Fast EV Charging.
In: 2024 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE Europe). 2-6 Sept. 2024, Darmstadt, Germany. Piscataway, NJ: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)., ISBN 979-8-3503-6444-6, S. 1 - 6. (DOI) - Stanojević, Aleksandra; Hanschek, Andreas J; Tatschl, Gerald; Grbović, Petar (2024): Transient Behavior and Moving Average Model of Active Resonant Voltage Balancer for Supercapacitor Module.
In: 2024 11th International Conference on Electrical, Electronic and Computing Engineering (IcETRAN). Piscataway, NJ: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)., ISBN 979-8-3503-8699-8, S. 1 - 6. (DOI) (Weblink)
Vorträge 2024
Präsentationen auf Kongressen, Tagungen o.Ä.
Konferenzvortrag (auf Einreichung / Anmeldung)
- Vortragende/r: Hanschek, Andreas Co-AutorInnen: Grbović, Petar J.: Optimizing Hybrid Energy Storage Dynamics: Modeling and Control of Super-Capacitors Using Buck and Interleaved Buck Converters.
2024 11th International Conference on Electrical, Electronic and Computing Engineering (IcETRAN), Nis, 05.06.2024. - Vortragende/r: Mootz, Pit Co-AutorInnen: Hanschek, Andreas; Stanojevic, Aleksandra; Grbovic, Petar: Improved control algorithms for battery management systems to reduce redistribution of charge within energy storage systems.
2024 IEEE 10th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference (IPEMC2024-ECCE Asia), Chengdu, 19.05.2024. (Weblink) - Vortragende/r: Stanojevic, Aleksandra Co-AutorInnen: Hanschek, Andreas J.; Tatschl, Gerald; Grbović, Petar J.: Transient Behavior and Moving Average Model of Active Resonant Voltage Balancer for Supercapacitor Module.
2024 11th International Conference on Electrical, Electronic and Computing Engineering (IcETRAN), Nis, 05.06.2024.
Publikationen 2023
Beiträge in Büchern / Zeitschriften
Zeitschriftenaufsatz (Originalarbeit)
- Benedetto, Marco D.; Lidozzi, Alessandro; Grbovic, Petar J. (2023): Design of SiC-Si Hybrid Interleaved 3-Phase 5-Level E-Type Back-to-Back Converter.
In: IEEE Open Journal of Power Electronics 4, S. 840 - 856. (DOI) (Weblink) - Lopousina, Igor; Bouvier, Yann E.; Grbovic, Petar (2023): Steady-State and Transient Modeling of the Series Resonant Balancing Converter.
In: IEEE Open Journal of Power Electronics 4, S. 900 - 912. (DOI) (Weblink) - Lopušina, Igor; Bouvier, Yann E.; Grbović, Petar J. (2023): Quantum Mode Series Resonant Converter Utilized as Active Voltage Regulator of a Split DC Bus Capacitor.
In: IEEE Access 11, S. 127539 - 127549. (Volltext) (DOI) (Weblink)
Beitrag in Proceedingsband
- Bouvier, Yann; Salinas, Guillermo; Stanojević, Aleksandra; Grbović, Petar (2023): Optimization of Custom Ferrite E-Core-Shaped Transformers for Power Loss and Volume Reduction Using Pareto Front Analysis.
In: 2023 22nd International Symposium on Power Electronics (Ee). 25-28 Oct. 2023. Piscataway, NJ: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)., ISBN 979-8-3503-4318-2, S. 1 - 6. (DOI) (Weblink) - Hanschek, Andreas; Bouvier, Yann E.; Jesacher, Erwin; Stanojevic, Aleksandra; Tatschl, Gerald; Lairich, Oliver; Grbovic, Petar (2023): Design Criteria for Super-Capacitor Modules for Hybrid Energy Storage in Real-World Robot Applications: A Data-Driven Approach.
In: IECON 2023: 49th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society. Piscataway, NJ: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)., ISBN 979-8-3503-3183-7, S. 1 - 6. (DOI) (Weblink) - Jesacher, Erwin; Bouvier, Yann; Hanschek, Andreas; Stanojević, Aleksandra; Grbović, Petar (2023): Review on the State of the Art of Hybrid Energy Storage Systems for Electric Transportation Systems and the Applicability to Mobile Robots.
In: 2023 22nd International Symposium on Power Electronics (Ee). 25-28 Oct. 2023. Piscataway, NJ: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)., ISBN 979-8-3503-4318-2, S. 1 - 6. (DOI) (Weblink) - Lopusina, Igor; Stanojevic, Aleksandra; Bouvier, Yann; Grbovic, Petar (2023): Comparison Between ZVS and ZCS Series Resonant Balancing Converters.
In: 2023 22nd International Symposium on Power Electronics (Ee). 25-28 Oct. 2023. Piscataway, NJ: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)., ISBN 979-8-3503-4318-2, S. 1 - 5. (DOI) (Weblink) - Stanojević, Aleksandra; Mootz, Pit; Bouvier, Yann; Grbović, Petar (2023): Design Optimization of Modular High-Frequency Transformer for Fast EV Charger Using Ansys Software Tools.
In: IECON 2023: 49th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society. Piscataway, NJ: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)., ISBN 979-8-3503-3183-7, S. 1 - 6. (DOI) (Weblink)
Vorträge 2023
Präsentationen auf Kongressen, Tagungen o.Ä.
Konferenzvortrag (auf persönliche Einladung)
- Vortragende/r: Grbovic, Petar; Lopusina, Igor: Partial power Rated Converters: A way to go beyond limits.
17th Brazilian Power Electronics Conference and 8th Southern Power Electronics Conference, Florinapolis, 26.11.2023. (Weblink)
Konferenzvortrag (auf Einreichung / Anmeldung)
- Vortragende/r: Erwin, Jesacher Co-AutorInnen: Bouvier, Yann; Hanschek, Andreas; Stanojevic, Aleksandra; Grbovic, Petar J.: Review on the State of the Art of Hybrid Energy Storage Systems for Electric Transportation Systems and Applicability to Mobile Robots.
22nd International Symposium on Power Electronics (Ee), Novi Sad, 27.10.2023. - Vortragende/r: Hanschek, Andreas Co-AutorInnen: Bouvier, Yann E.; Jesacher, Erwin; Stanojević, Aleksandra; Tatschl, Gerald; Lairich, Oliver; Grbovic, Petar: Design Criteria for Super-Capacitor Modules for Hybrid Energy Storage in Real-World Robot Applications: A Data-Driven Approach.
IECON 2023 - The 49th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Singapur, 18.10.2023. (Weblink)
Vorträge für die Öffentlichkeit
Öffentlicher Vortrag
- Hanschek, Andreas; Grbovic, Petar: Wie funktioniert ein mobiles Ladegerät?
Junge Uni, Innsbruck, 21.08.2023. (Weblink) - Hanschek, Andreas; Jesacher, Erwin; Grbovic, Petar: Energie auf Abruf: So funktioniert eine Powerbank!
Junge Uni, Innsbruck, 03.05.2023. - Hanschek, Andreas; Mair, Dominik; Grbovic, Petar: Kleine Roboter selbst bauen.
Junge Uni, Innsbruck, 01.09.2023. (Weblink)
Publikationen 2022
Beiträge in Büchern / Zeitschriften
Zeitschriftenaufsatz (Originalarbeit)
- Castillo, Stefanie; Grbovic, Petar J. (2022): The APISSER Methodology for Systematic Literature Reviews in Engineering.
In: IEEE Access 10, S. 23700 - 23707. (Volltext) (DOI) (Weblink) - Hanschek, Andreas J.; Bouvier, Yann E.; Jesacher, Erwin; Grbović, Petar J. (2022): Analysis and Comparison of Power Distribution System Topologies for Low-Voltage DC–DC Automated Guided Vehicle Applications.
In: Energies 15/6, No. 2012. (Volltext) (DOI) (Weblink)
Beitrag in Proceedingsband
- Stanojevic, Aleksandra; Bouvier Rescalvo, Yann Emmanuel; Grbovic, Petar (2022): Comparison of 2-stage isolated converters for fast EV charger, using partial power.
In: IECON 2022 – 48th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society. 17-20 Oct. 2022. Piscataway, NJ: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) (= Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society)., ISBN 978-1-6654-8026-0, S. 1 - 6. (DOI) (Weblink)
Vorträge 2022
- Vortragende/r: Hanschek, Anderas; Grbovic, Petar J.: Steuerung fortschrittlicher Leistungselektronik in hybriden Energiespeichersystemen für intelligente Netzanwendungen (Smartgrid Anwendungen) und fortschrittliche Transportfahrzeuge.
Universität Innsbruck - Institut für Informatik, Innsbruck, 01.04.2022 - 30.06.2022.
Vorträge für die Öffentlichkeit
Öffentlicher Vortrag
- Grbovic, Petar; Hanschek, Andreas; Bouvier Rescalvo, Yann Emmanuel; Jesacher, Erwin; Lopusina, Igor; Stanojevic, Aleksandra: Cutting- Edge Technology meets Tesla.
Junge Uni, Innsbruck, 16.09.2022. (Weblink) - Grbovic, Petar J.; Hanschek, Andreas; Bouvier Rescalvo, Yann Emmanuel; Jesacher, Erwin; Lopusina, Igor: Cutting-Edge Technology meets Tesla.
Lange Nacht der Forschung, Innsbruck, 20.05.2022. (Weblink) - Hanschek, Andreas; Bouvier Rescalvon, Yann Emmanuel; Jesacher, Erwin; Lopusina, Igor; Stanojevic, Aleksandra; Grbovic, Petar: Leistungselektronik - wo ist sie überall vorhanden?
Junge Uni, Innsbruck, 16.09.2022. (Weblink) - Hanschek, Andreas; Jesacher, Erwin; Stanojevic, Aleksandra; Bouvier Rescalvo, Yann Emmanuel; Lopusina, Igor; Grbovic, Petar: E-mobility scaled down.
Junge Uni, Innsbruck, 16.09.2022. (Weblink)
Publikationen 2021
Beiträge in Büchern / Zeitschriften
Zeitschriftenaufsatz (Originalarbeit)
- Benedetto, Marco Di; Lidozzi, Alessandro; Solero, Luca; Crescimbini, Fabio; Grbović, Petar. J. (2021): High-Performance 3-Phase 5-Level E-Type Multilevel–Multicell Converters for Microgrids.
In: Energies 14/4, No. 843. (DOI) (Weblink) - Bigarelli, Luca; Di Benedetto, Marco; Lidozzi, Alessandro; Solero, Luca; Grbović, Petar J. (2021): FPGA-Based Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine Emulator With SiC Power Amplifier.
In: IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 57/6, S. 6117 - 6130. (DOI) (Weblink)
Beitrag in Proceedingsband
- Hanschek, Andreas; Bouvier, Yann E.; Jesacher, Erwin; Grbovic, Petar (2021): Analysis of power distribution systems based on low-voltage DC/DC power supplies for automated guided vehicles (AGV).
In: Katic, Vladimir: Proceedings of 2021 21st International Symposium on Power Electronics (Ee). Piscataway, NJ: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)., ISBN 978-1-6654-0187-6, S. 1 - 6. (DOI) (Weblink) - Lopusina, Igor; Grbovic, Petar J. (2021): Comparative Analysis of Input-Series-Output-Series Partial Power Rated DC to DC Converters.
In: 21st International Symposium Power Electronics Ee 2021. IEEE Conference eXpress Publishing., ISBN 978-1-6654-0188-3, online. (DOI) (Weblink) - Miletic, Zoran; Grbovic, Petar; Lopusina, Igor (2021): Analysis and Design of a Single-Phase Half-Bridge Rectifier/Inverter with an Active Resonant DC Bus Voltage Balancer.
In: 2021 23rd European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE'21 ECCE Europe). IEEE Conference eXpress Publishing., ISBN 978-1-6654-3384-6, online. (Weblink)
Vorträge 2021
Präsentationen auf Kongressen, Tagungen o.Ä.
Konferenzvortrag (auf Einreichung / Anmeldung)
- Vortragende/r: Hanschek, Andreas Co-AutorInnen: Bouvier Rescalvo, Yann Emmanuel; Jesacher, Erwin; Grbovic, Petar J.: Analysis of power distribution systems based on low-voltage DC/DC power supplies for automated guided vehicles (AGV).
21st International Symposium of Power Electronics Ee2021, Novi Sad, 29.10.2021. (Weblink) - Vortragende/r: Lopusina, Igor Co-AutorInnen: Grbović, Petar: Comparative Analysis of Input-Series-Output-Series Partial Power Rated DC to DC Converters.
21st International Symposium of Power Electronics Ee2021, Novi Sad, 28.10.2021. (Weblink)
- Vortragende/r: Grbovic, P.J.: Power Converters for Energy Storage Applications: Analysis and Design from Theory to Practice.
Ss. Cyril and Methodius University / Universität Skopje, Skopje, 23.06.2021. - Vortragende/r: Grbovic, P.J.: Multi-Level & Multi-Cell Power Converters, A Way to go Beyond the Limits.
Vimal Jyothi Engineering College, Kerala, 27.02.2021.
Einzelvorträge (berufliche Weiterbildung / Wissenstransfer)
Vortrag (Wissenstransfer / Weiterbildung)
- Vortragende/r: Grbovic, Petar: Advanced Power Converters: Analysis & Design Techniques from Theory to Practice.
Universität Innsbruck - Institut für Mechatronik, Innsbruck, 09.03.2021. (Weblink) - Vortragende/r: Grbovic, Petar; Bouvier Rescalvo, Yann Emmanuel: Advanced Power Converters: Analysis & Design Techniques from Theory to Practice.
FFG Qualifizierungsnetz - Q-nnected Alps (Q-NNECT), Innsbruck, 09.03.2021 (Online).
Publikationen 2020
Beiträge in Büchern / Zeitschriften
Zeitschriftenaufsatz (Originalarbeit)
- Grbović, Petar J; Benedetto, Marco di; Lidozzi, Alessandro; Solero, Luca; Crescimbini, Fabio (2020): Reliability and Real-Time Failure Protection of the Three-Phase Five-Level E-Type Converter.
In: IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 56/6, S. 6630 - 6641. (DOI) (Weblink)
Zeitschriftenbeitrag (Proceedings Paper)
- Grbović, Petar J; Benedetto, Marco di; Lidozzi, Alessandro; Solero, Luca; Crescimbini, Fabio (2020): Symmetrical three-phase seven-level E-type inverter for PV systems: design and operation.
In: I E T Renewable Power Generation 14/15, S. 2852 - 2863. (DOI) (Weblink)
Beitrag in Proceedingsband
- Grbovic, P.J.; Bigarelli, L.; di Benedetto, M.; Lidozzi, A.; Crescimbini, F. (2020): Design Issues for Real-Time PMSM Power-Hadware-in the-Loop: Analysis at Switching Frequency.
In: IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE). 11-15 Oct 2020, Detroit, MI, USA. IEEE Conference eXpress Publishing., ISBN 978-1-7281-5827-3, S. 6298 - 6305. (DOI) (Weblink) - Grbović, P.J.; di Benedetto, M.; Lidozzi, A.; Solero, L.; Bigarelli, L. (2020): Design Issues for a Real-Time PMSM Power-Hardware-in-the-Loop: Analysis at Fundamental Frequency.
In: IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE). 11-15 Oct 2020, Detroit, MI, USA. IEEE Conference eXpress Publishing., ISBN 978-1-7281-5827-3, S. 6306 - 6311. (DOI) (Weblink) - Grbović, P.J.; di Benedetto, M.; Lidozzi, A.; Solero, L.; Crescimbini, F. (2020): Design of High-Power Density Interleaved 3-Phase 5-Level E-Type Back-to-Back Converter.
In: IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE). 11-15 Oct 2020, Detroit, MI, USA. IEEE Conference eXpress Publishing., ISBN 978-1-7281-5827-3, S. 3957 - 3964. (DOI) (Weblink) - Grbović, P.J.; Miletic, Z.; Tremmel, W.; Bründlinger, R.; Stöckl, J. (2020): Analysis of the RMS current stress on the DC link capacitors of the four phase 3-level T-type voltage source converter.
In: 22nd European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE'20 ECCE Europe). 7-11 Sept. 2020, Lyon, France. IEEE Conference eXpress Publishing., S. P.1 - P.10. (DOI) (Weblink)
Vorträge 2020
Präsentationen auf Kongressen, Tagungen o.Ä.
Konferenzvortrag (auf Einreichung / Anmeldung)
- Vortragende/r: Grbović, P. J. Co-AutorInnen: Bigarelli, L.; di Benedetto, M.; Lidozzi, A.; Crescimbini, F.: Design Issues for Real-Time PMSM Power-Hadware-in the-Loop: Analysis at Switching Frequency.
2020 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), Detroit, MI, online, 12.10.2020. (Weblink) - Vortragende/r: Grbović, P. J. Co-AutorInnen: Bigarelli, L.; Di Benedetto, M.; Lidozzi, A.; Solero, L.: Design Issues for a Real-Time PMSM Power-Hardware-in-the-Loop: Analysis at Fundamental Frequency.
2020 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), Detroit, MI, online, 13.10.2020. (Weblink) - Vortragende/r: Grbović, P. J. Co-AutorInnen: Di Benedetto, M.; Lidozzi, A.; Solero, L.; Crescimbini, F.: Design of High-Power Density Interleaved 3-Phase 5-Level E-Type Back-to-Back Converter.
2020 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), Detroit, MI, online, 13.10.2020. (Weblink) - Vortragende/r: Grbović, P. J. Co-AutorInnen: Miletic, Z.; Tremmel, W.; Bründlinger, R.; Stöckl, J.: Analysis of the RMS current stress on the DC link capacitors of the four phase 3-level T-type voltage source converter.
The 22nd European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications EPE’20 ECCE Europe, Lyon, online, 09.09.2020. (Weblink) - Vortragende/r: Grbović, Petar J.: Power Electronics, the Essential Pillar of Technology Revolutions.
2020 International Symposium on Industrial Electronics and Applications - INDEL 2020, Banja Luka, 04.11.2020. (Weblink)
- Vortragende/r: Grbovic, Petar J.: Distinguished Lecturer (DL).
IEEE Power Electronics Society (PELS), Piscataway, 15.01.2019 - 14.01.2020. (Weblink)
Publikationen 2019
Beiträge in Büchern / Zeitschriften
Zeitschriftenaufsatz (Originalarbeit)
- Di Benedetto, Marco; Lidozzi, Alessandro; Solero, Luca; Crescimbini, Fabio; Grbovic, Petar J. (2019): Low Volume and Low Weight 3-Phase 5-Level Back to Back E-Type Converter.
In: IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 55/6, S. 7377 - 7388. (DOI) (Weblink)
Zeitschriftenbeitrag (Editorial)
- Grbovic, Petar J.; Solero, Luca (2019): Guest Editorial: Special Issue on High Performance Power Electronic Converters: Topologies, Control, and Devices.
In: IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 55/6, S. 7356 - 7357. (DOI)
Beitrag in Proceedingsband
- Di Benedetto, Marco; Lidozzi, Alessandro; Solero, Luca; Crescimbini, Fabio; Grbović, Petar J. (2019): Symmetrical Three-Phase 7-Level E-Type Inverter for PV Applications.
In: 2019 International Conference on Clean Electrical Power (ICCEP 2019). Otranto, Italy. Los Alamitos: IEEE Computer Society Press., ISBN 978-1-7281-1357-9, S. 419 - 426. (DOI) (Weblink) - Di Benedetto, Marco; Lidozzi, Alessandro; Solero, Luca; Grbović, Petar J.; Crescimbini, Fabio (2019): Failure Mode Analysis of the 3-Phase 5-Level E-Type Converter.
In: Liu, Yan-Fei: Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, ECCE, IEEE. 29 Sept.-3 Oct. 2019. Piscataway, NJ: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)., ISBN 978-1-7281-0396-9, S. 6396 - 6403. (DOI) (Weblink)
Vorträge 2019
Präsentationen auf Kongressen, Tagungen o.Ä.
Konferenzvortrag (auf Einreichung / Anmeldung)
- Vortragende/r: Di Benedetto, Marco Co-AutorInnen: Lidozzi, Alessandro; Solero, Luca; Grbović, Petar J.; Crescimbini, Fabio: Failure Mode Analysis of the 3-Phase 5-Level E-Type Converter.
The Eleventh Annual Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE 2019), Baltimore, 29.09.2019. (Weblink) - Vortragende/r: Grbovic, Petar J.: Power Converters for Energy Storage Applications (Analysis and Design from Theory to Practice).
10th International Conference on Power Electronics (PCPE 2019 - ECCE Asia), Busan, 28.05.2019. (Weblink) - Vortragende/r: Grbović, Petar J.: Multi-Cell & Multi-Level & Power Converetrs: A Way to go beyond the limits.
4th IEEE International Future Energy Electronics Conference (IFEEC 2019), Singapore, 25.11.2019. (Weblink)
Vortrag bei Expertentagung
- Vortragende/r: Grbovic, Petar: Power Converters Topologies: Is there anything new there?
IEEE joint IAS/PELS/IES German & Austrian Chapter Meeting, Innsbruck, 25.10.2019.
Vortrag bei Summer-/Winterschool
- Vortragende/r: Grbović, Petar J.: Partial Power Rated Converters - A way to go Beyond the Limits.
Summer Course on Power Electronics and Applications, Roma, 05.07.2019. (Weblink) - Vortragende/r: Grbović, Petar J.: Power Converters and Chargers for Energy Storage Applications.
Summer Course on Power Electronics and Applications, Roma, 04.07.2019. (Weblink)
- Vortragende/r: Grbovic, Petar J.: Power Converters for Energy Storage Applications: Analysis and Design from Theory to Practice.
IEEE Malaysia PELS Chapter, 29.11.2019. - Vortragende/r: Grbovic, Petar J.: Multi-Level & Multi-Cell Power Converters, A Way to go Beyond the Limits.
IEEE IAS/PELS Joint Chapter of Brazil, 13.11.2019. - Vortragende/r: Grbovic, Petar J.: Power Converters for Energy Storage Applications: Analysis and Design from Theory to Practice.
IEEE IAS/PELS Joint Chapter of Brazil, 11.11.2019 - 12.11.2019. - Vortragende/r: Grbovic, Petar J.: Distinguished Lecturer (DL).
IEEE Power Electronics Society (PELS), Piscataway, 15.01.2019 - 14.01.2020. (Weblink) - Vortragende/r: Grbović, Petar J.: Multi-Level & Multi-Cell Power Converters, A Way to go Beyond the Limits.
IEEE Serbia & Montenegro Section, Novi Sad, 23.10.2019. (Weblink)
Vorträge für die Öffentlichkeit
Öffentlicher Vortrag
- Grbovic, Petar; Hanschek, Andreas: Cutting- Edge Technology meets Tesla (Demonstration).
Fest der Wissenschaft, Innsbruck, 15.06.2019. (Weblink)
Publikationen 2018
Beiträge in Büchern / Zeitschriften
Zeitschriftenaufsatz (Originalarbeit)
- Di Benedetto, Marco; Lidozzi, Alessandro; Grbovic, Petar J.; Solero, Luca; Crescimbini, Fabio (2018): Five-Level E-Type Inverter for Grid-Connected Applications.
In: IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 54/5, S. 5536 - 5548. (DOI) (Weblink)
Vorträge 2018
Präsentationen auf Kongressen, Tagungen o.Ä.
Konferenzvortrag (auf Einreichung / Anmeldung)
- Vortragende/r: Grbovic, Petar J.: Power Converters for Energy Storage Applications.
The 2nd IEEE International Power Electronics and Application Conference and Exposition (IEEE PEAC'2018), Shenzen, 04.11.2018. (Weblink) - Vortragende/r: Grbovic, Petar J.: Power Converters for Energy Storage Applications - Analysis and Design from Theory to Practice.
XII International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (INDEL 2018), Banja Luka, 01.11.2018. (Weblink)