
Power electronics, and static power conversion in general, is an engineering discipline that was introduced into practice at the beginning of the 20th century. Today, at the beginning of the 21st century, power electronics is part of our daily lives. We can find them in almost all applications; household appliances, automotive, multimedia, ICT, industry, transport, military, aerospace, etc. Wherever and whenever we need to control a power/energy flow without significant losses, we cannot avoid the use of power electronics. It is almost impossible to imagine life today without power electronics. Every area of life will be different. Power electronics and static power conversion have contributed significantly to the global economy. The invention of the IGBT has contributed more than US$18 trillion to the global economy. Power electronics and power semiconductors in general have contributed much more.

The Innsbruck Power Electronics Lab (i-PEL), as part of the Institute of Mechatronics, was founded by Infineon Technologies AG, Austria and the University of Innsbruck. The research activities are mainly focussed on state-of-the-art power semiconductors and power electronics in general.




  • Power converters with ultra-high power density and efficiency,


  • High-performance optimisation and integration of switching power converters

  • Power converter topologies: state-of-the-art voltage and current source topologies, multi-cell interleaved converters, high power isolated DC-DC converters,

  • Application, control and control techniques for state-of-the-art power semiconductor devices: IGBT, RB-IGBT, MOSFET, SiC JFET, SiC MOSFET, GaN....

  • Applications of power converters: speed-controlled drives, bidirectional rectifiers, active filters, UPS converters and STATCOM devices,

  • Advanced energy storage devices and their applications (ultracapacitors and batteries),

  • Control of power converters: pulse width modulation (carrier-based continuous and discontinuous modulation schemes), current control (standard a/b and dq frame), DC side control (full and partial DC bus voltage and current control in DC-DC converters), active damping of AC and DC side quantities.

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