Welcome to the Drive and Energy Systems Laboratory!


Our research focuses on modern drive and mechatronic systems for the future needs of industrial applications and medical devices. In close partnership with industry partners, we develop complete drive systems, including supply electronics, sensor systems, control systems, and electric machines. This comprehensive focus on all key drive system elements is essential to achieve high compactness, high efficiency, and functional integration. See our list of publications to learn more details and examples of research results.



Often Visited Links @iDES

ETH PES - Power Electronics Systems Laboratory of ETH

PEJA ETF - Electronics Laboratory of ETF

VDE - Verband der Elektrotechnik Elektronik Informationstechnik

CUSP - Consortium of Universities for Sustainable Power

CARE - Cardiovascular Research and Engineering

SAL - Silicon Austria Labs

EMETOR - free online tool for the electrical machine design

PLECS - Power Electronics Simulation Tool for UIBK Students


University of Innsbruck
Institute of Mechatronics / Drive and Energy Systems Laboratory
Technikerstrasse 13, 1st floor
6020 Innsbruck


Melanie Kreidl

+43 512 507-62781

Room: 134 (1.OG, Fakultätsgebäude Technische Wissenschaften)
Technikerstraße 13
6020 Innsbruck, Österreich

Office Hours: dates by arrangement

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