News @iDES
01.08.2024 We are happy to announce that Tim Wend joined to our team.
15.07.2024 We are happy to announce that Jan Szczygielski joined to our team.
09.06.2024 A. Horat received the young researcher award at the PCIM2024.
09.06.2024 Dr. Ohno attend a Japan/ETH/ECPE workshop and give a presentation.
07.11.2023 Dr. Ohno attend a ICEMS2023and give a presentation.
23.10.2023 Prof. Mirić give a online presentation for ETI-Kolloquim .
17.10.2023 We are happy to announce that Tim Urbany joined to our team.
15.05.2023 Prof. Miric delivers a tutorial at IEMDC 2023 in San Francisco.
20.04.2023 We are happy to announce that Dr. Takanobu Ohno joined to our team.
09.02.2023 Call for papers for the VDE2023 conference in Vienna is now online; you can view it HERE.
03.02.2023 CARE and iDES partner up on a project to develop magnetic bearings for a novel implantable blood pump for congenital heart failure patients.
28.06.2022 Prof. Mirić becomes a member of the Programmausschuss for the VDE Conference.