DrNatascha Zeitel-Bank


Leopold-Franzens-University Innsbruck
Department of Media, Society and Communication
Grey Bear, Universitätsstraße 5-7, A-6020 Innsbruck

Office 1W05, 1st floor



Coordinator: Media practice and event design

Natascha Zeitel-Bank has been a Senior Lecturer at the Department of Media, Society and Communication at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences at the University of Innsbruck since 2019 and also researches and teaches in the interdisciplinary programme in the field of EU & Media and the election package Media Practice.

She studied sociology at the University of Mannheim with a focus on European comparative social research and subsequently completed a doctorate in political science at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, specialising in European integration (European regional policy in the field of tension between economic and political objectives).

She lived in Brussels/Belgium for several years, where she initially worked as a 'Stagaire' in the press department of the Economic and Social Committee and in the 'Spokesperson Service', before working in the press department of the European Commission (DG Communication) for three years as a journalist/producer for Europe by Satellite (DG Communication) (1997-2000).

In addition to her academic work, Dr Zeitel-Bank worked as a journalist for ZDF, Deutsche Welle and Bayerischer Rundfunk in the field of current affairs and European reporting. In the field of association work/PR/journalism, she is active on a voluntary basis (e.g. in "Team Europe" for the Commission Representation in Berlin, as founder of the European Academy Inntal and on the board/presidium of the Europa-Union Germany and Bavaria/Munich). She was also project manager (marketing / PR) for the French and Italian tourism markets at the Tyrolean tourism organisation Tirolwerbung / Gästeservice Tirol for five years (2003-2007).

Since 2003, she has been closely associated with the University of Innsbruck through regular teaching assignments in the field of media and journalism at the Department of Political Science - in addition to professional commitments at universities of applied sciences in Austria and Germany - mainly focussing on European integration, political communication and media.

University research and study visits have taken her to the Graduate School of Business (GSB) in Cape Town/South Africa, to Indiana University in Bloomington, Indiana/USA, to the University of New South Wales, Sydney/Australia, to the University of Naples Federico II/Italy, to HUST University in Hanoi, Vietnam, to the Copenhagen Business School (CBS), Sweden.

Focal points
  • Political communication
  • Digital communication (social media)
  • Journalism and PR / Public Affairs
  • Comparison of political (media) systems
  • European Union (media and public opinion).

Research stays
  • Graduate School of Business (GSB) in Cape Town, South Africa (summer semester 2019)
  • University of Naples Federico II/Italy (summer term 2022)
  • HUST University in Hanoi, Vietnam (summer term 2024)

Selective publications

Zeitel-Bank, Natascha (2024): Gatekeeper diversity and content moderation in the digital communication space. In: Public Value Texte, Public Service Media in Europe, Vienna 2024. https://zukunft.orf.at/show_content.php?sid=147&pvi_id=2415&pvi_medientyp=t&oti_tag=Texte

Zeitel-Bank, Natascha (2022): Public Service Media in Europe in a field of tension between public mandate and a platform economy. In: Public Value Texts. Public service quality in discourse 26, p. 110 - 116, Vienna.

Zeitel-Bank, Natascha (2022): Public Service Media in Europe in the field of tension between public mandate and platform economy. In: Public Value Study. Public service quality in discourse 2021, p. 25 - 50, Vienna

Zeitel-Bank, N. (2020): European media policy between culture and commerce. In: Theo Hug, Andreas Maurer, Thomas Walli (eds.), Crossing Borders - Passaggi di confine - Grenzgänge, Festschrift für Günther Pallaver, S- 269-281, Innsbruck University Press: Innsbruck, Austria

Zeitel-Bank, N. (2019): Public service media and elections. In: Austrian Broadcasting Corporation, ORF (ed.), Texte 23 series, Public-law quality in discourse, 1st edition, ORF Druckerei: Vienna, pp. 20-27

Tat, U., Zeitel-Bank, N., Saurwein, L. (2016): The Triangle of Social Competence Development. International Journal of Teaching and Education, Vol. IV (3), pp. 16-32, DOI: 10.20472/TE.2016.4.3.003

Zeitel-Bank, N., & Tat, U. (2014): Social media and its effects on individuals and social systems. International MakeLearn Conference on "Human Capital without Borders", June 25-27.2014, Publication in Conference Proceedings, Portorosz, Slovenia.

Zeitel-Bank, N., & Tat, U. (2013): Good governance and political communication in the EU. International MakeLearn Conference on "Active Citizenship by Knowledge Management and & Innovation", June 19-21.2013, Publication in Conference Proceedings, Zadar, Croatia.

Zeitel-Bank, N., & Emes, J. (2013): 'Good Governance' und Partizipation im EU-Mehrebenensystem (Good Governance and Participation in the framework of the EU multilevel system). Joint Symposium "Der Deutschen Vereinigung für Politische Wissenschaft (DVPW), der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Politikwissenschaft (ÖGPW) und der Schweizerischen Vereinigung für Politische Wissenschaft" (SVPW), Presentation, September 19-21.2013, Innsbruck, Austria.

Zeitel-Bank, N. (2009): Health without borders. In: Eva Rásky (ed.): Gesundheit hat Bleiberecht, pp. 152-161, Vienna.

Zeitel-Bank, N. (1997): Europäische Regionalpolitik im Spannungsfeld zwischen ökonomischer und politischer Zielsetzung (European Regional policy in the stress field between economic and political aims), Dissertation, Frankfurt.

Memberships / Memberships

Reporters Without Borders, Berlin, member since 01.01.2022

Press Club Concordia, Vienna, member since 01/01/2020

Member of the Executive Board and Presidium of the non-partisan association "Europa-Union Deutschland für München & Bayern", Europa-Union Deutschland e.V., Berlin, since 1 January 2020

ordinary member of the Research Area EPoS Economy, Politics and Society at the University of Innsbruck, since 1 March 2021.

Member of the expert team for quality assurance at ORF, Vienna, Austria. Austrian Broadcasting Corporation (ORF), Vienna, since 01/03/2021.

European Academy Inntal, Founder / Member since 01/04/2024

11/2004 - 2017 Member Chamber of Commerce, Association of PR and Marketing, Innsbruck, Austria

2013-2016 Programme Board Member for the International Scientific Conference on Management, Knowledge and Learning - International School for Social and Business, Celje, Slovenija

rsg.), FACTS: Attention, Interest, Desire, InterAction? (S. 9-24). Böhlau.


Public Service Media - an (un)dispensable orientation anchor? (Introduction and keynote speech for the panel discussion). Journalism Festival Innsbruck 2023, Innsbruck, 12 May 2023.

Freedom of the press. Renner Institute Upper Austria, Linz, 28.04.2023 (Online).

Democracy and Platform Economics - Towards a Public Service Internet at the University of Napoli (Federico II) in the context of the Aurora network, hybrid, 15.06.2022

Public Service Media in Europe in a Field of Tension between Public Mandate and Platform Economy.
RIPE@2022 Conference: Between the Fourth Estate and the Fifth Power. Conservation and Innovation in PSM Journalism, Vienna, 20.09.2022.

The fight against Corona. Fake news on the net.
Understanding Corona. Understanding Corona. The pandemic from the perspective of the humanities, cultural and social sciences / Take 2, Innsbruck, hybrid, 20 October 2021.

Zeitel-Bank, Natascha: Political participation from the sofa? Digital participation and democracy. Literaturhaus am Inn, Innsbruck, 08.10.2018.

Zeitel-Bank, Natascha: The disruptive impact of digitalisation on people and society - food for thought. University of Innsbruck - Department of Romance Studies, Innsbruck, 07/05/2018.

Zeitel-Bank, Natascha Co-authors: Emes, J.: 'Good governance' and participation in the multi-level system. 3-country conference ÖGPW / SVPW / DVPW "Politics of Diversity", Innsbruck, 19 September 2013.

  • Head of the Institute Assembly at the Department of Media, Society and Communication, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Innsbruck, since 1 March 2019
  • Member of the Faculty Council, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Innsbruck, since 1 October 2019
  • Member of the Curriculum Commission, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Innsbruck 01/10/2019
  • Member of the Research Area EPoS Economy, Politics and Society, University of Innsbruck since 01/03/2023
  • Member of the Innsbruck Centre for European Research (ICER), Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Innsbruck, since 01.01.2019.
  • Member of the team of experts for quality assurance at the Austrian Broadcasting Corporation (ORF), Vienna, 1 March 2021.
  • Member of the Presidium of the non-partisan association "Europa-Union Deutschland", Berlin and on the Board of Bavaria and Munich since 1 January 2020.
  • Member of the Concordia Press Club, Vienna, since 01/01/2020
  • Member of Reporters Without Borders Germany, Berlin, since 01/01/2023
  • Chairwoman of the European Academy Inntal based in Kufstein, since 01/04/2024
  • Member of the speakers' pool in TeamEurope at the European Commission Representation in Berlin, since 24 January 2024

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