
Interdisciplinary research groups

Members of our institute are part of the interdisciplinary research group Political Communication (PolKom).

Hand Weltkugel

Polit­i­cal Com­mu­ni­ca­tion (PolKom)

Interdisciplinary with members of the Department of Political Science

Research Areas and Research Centres

Our institute is represented in the following cross-faculty Research Areas and Research Centres of the University of Innsbruck.

Research Area Econ­o­my, Pol­i­tics and Soci­ety (EPoS)

Incl. doctoral programme Politics, Power and Language and doctoral programme #OranisingtheDigital

Research Area Cul­tural Encoun­ters - Cul­tural Con­flicts

Incl. doctoral programme Politics, Power and Language and doctoral programme #OranisingtheDigital

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