X-ray powder diffractometry
Contact person:
Clivia Hejny
Rigaku SmartLab
Cu-Target (3kW), choice between divergent (K-beta filter or CBO-alpha) and parallel beam alignment (Cross beam optic), high-resolution theta/theta closed loop goniometer, 2-dimensional HyPix3000 high-energy-resolution semiconductor detector, reactor chamber up to 1000°C, Rigaku high-temperature chamber up to 1500°C, Anton Paar high-temperature chamber up to 1200°C

Rigaku SmartLab SE
Cu- or Co-target (1.5kW), high-resolution vertical theta/theta goniometer, D/teX Ultra 250 compound silicon strip 1D-detector, K-beta-filter (via) cross beam optic CBO-alpha), 50-position sample changer

High Resolution Powder Bruker-AXS D8-Discover
Cu-Target, K-alpha1-monochromator, silicon strip detector, reflection mode with Bragg-Brentano optics, 90-position sample changer

High Resolution Powder Diffractometer Stoe STADI MP
Cu or Co Target, K-alpha1-monochromator, dectris mythen 1K detector, Bragg-Brentano, Transmission, or Capillary. High- and low-temperature sample environments