Research / Projects

research pro­ject

Sul­fROX - Schwe­fe­loxi­dre­sis­tente Nie­der­tem­pe­ra­tur-Oxi­da­ti­ons­ka­ta­lyse zum Wär­me­ver­schub in Realab­ga­sen
(2023-2026, FFG)

research pro­ject

Astro-geo­lo­gi­cal sam­ple pre­pa­ra­tion for field-based ana­ly­tics and return pri­o­ri­ti­za­tion
(GeoPrep, 2023-2024)

research pro­ject

Sustaina­ble pro­duc­tion of refrac­tory mate­ri­als
(2021-2025, fun­ded by RHI Magne­si­ta)

research pro­ject

The role of Ca-phos­pha­tes in the deep Earth’s phos­pho­rus, vola­tile and incom­pa­ti­ble trace ele­ment cycle (2020-2023, FWF P33124-N)

research pro­ject

Ther­mo­che­mistry of the sys­tem K2O-CaO-SiO2
(2020-2024, FWF pro­ject P30754)

research pro­ject

The effect of vola­ti­les on reac­tion rim growth dyna­mics
(2019-2023, FWF pro­ject P31787)

research pro­ject

Quartz as Moni­tor for Sedi­ment Pro­ve­nance from Source to Sink
(2019-2023, FWF 33038)

research pro­ject

OH-defects in quartz: app­li­ca­tion to igneous bodies and sur­face pro­ces­ses
(2016-2021, FWF 29145)

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