Archive of Ph.D. students
Name (Abschlußjahr)
Dominik Jaeger
R. Stalder
"Quarz als Monitor für Sediment Provenance." (FWF project no. P33038)
Mees Franke (2023)
Bastian Joachim-Mrosko
"The effect of volatiles on reaction rim growth dynamics." (FWF project no. P31787-N37)
Alexander Potrafke (2020)
R. Stalder
"OH-defects in quartz", funded by: FWF, Project-Nr. FP291450
Philipp Mair (2019)
P. Tropper
"The solubility of phosphates (apatite, monazite, xenotime) in aqueous fluids at high P and T", funded by: Institute of Mineralogy and Petrology
Klaus Zöll (2019)
V. Kahlenberg and P. Tropper
"Mineralogical and crystallographic characterization of SFCA-phases and related compounds – implications for iron ore sintering processes", funded by scholarship of Northern and Southern Tyrol Governments
Corinne Frigo (2018)
R. Stalder
"OH-incorporation in silica polymorphs", funded by: University of Innsbruck
Lukas Perfler (2017)
V. Kahlenberg
"New oxide compounds"; funded by industry
Daniela Schmidmair (2017)
V. Kahlenberg
"Untersuchungen zur Kristallchemie von Alkali-Erdalkali-Silikaten", funded by: Institute of Mineralogy and Petrology
Udo Haefeker (2013)
R. Kaindl
"Raman-Spectroscopy of CO2, H2O and N2 in cordierite", funded by: FWF, Project-Nr. P 22013-N21
Felix Prechtel (2011)
R. Stalder
"Wasserstoffeinbau in Pyroxenen"; funded by the University of Innsbruck
Erik Arroyabe (2011)
V. Kahlenberg
"Structural investigations and phase-relations in the ternary system K2O-CaO-SiO2"
Predrag Vulic (2010)
V. Kahlenberg
"Structural investigations on nepheline-type compounds"; funded by: FWF-EUROCORES-Project I62
Ulrich Obojes (2010)
P.W. Mirwald, P. Tropper and A. Saxer (Faculty of Civil Engineering)
"Veränderungen an Naturwerksteinen durch thermische Beanspruchung: Petrophysikalisch-materialwissenschaftliche Untersuchungen an ausgewählten Gesteinsarten"; funded by EU-Interreg-3A-Programme & the Autonomous Province of Bozen-South Tyrol
Matthias Krismer (2010)
F. Vavtar, P. Tropper
"Mineralogical and petrological investigations of fahlore-bearing Cu ore deposits in Tyrol"; funded by SFB HiMAT
Werner Friedrich Thöny (2008)
P. Tropper
"Minera"Die permische Kontaktmetamorphose im Südalpin: Intrusivkomplexe und Geochronologie"; funded by FWF-Project P17878-N10
Stefan Wyhlidal (2008)
P. Tropper
"Die permische Kontaktmetamorphose im Südalpin: Petrologie und Thermobarometrie"; funded by FWF-Project P17878-N10
Biljana Lazic (2008)
V. Kahlenberg
"Crystal chemistry, phase tr@nsitions and hiDh-pressure behaviour of AO-X2O3-phases (A = Ca, Sr, Ba; X = Al, Ga)"; funded by FWF-Project P17104
Michael Unterwurzacher (2007)
P.W. Mirwald
"Tiroler Marmore als historische Werkstoffe: Vorkommen, Materialcharakterisierung, Verwitterungsverhalten, Herkunftsbestimmung"; funded by FWF-Project P16540-N10
Hannes Krüger (2006)
V. Kahlenberg
"Ordering of tetrahedral chains in layer-like structures: periodic and aperiodic examples"; funded by: University of Innsbruck – research staff position