In times of increasing international conflicts with existential threats to humanity, the role of international law is becoming ever more important. The great civilisational achievements that have been made since 1945, with the creation of the United Nations and the conclusion of numerous human rights treaties, are constantly being called into question.
In this context, the question arises as to how international law and the far-reaching guarantees that are at least formally associated with this body of law can be guaranteed on a continuous basis. Excellence in teaching international law, both as to technique as to content, has a central role to play here and must be given more attention.
This book is the result of an international research project carried out over five years as part of the "Euregio" research platform and involving academics from numerous countries, also from outside Europe.
In this process, a wide variety of teaching techniques were examined and personal approaches to teaching of international law were presented by renowned international law scholars.
A particular concern of the editors was to show that defending, living, conveying values, especially with regard to human rights and democracy, plays a central role in the teaching of international law. At the same time, it was also emphasised that a value-based thinking premised on the rule of law can only function comprehensively in an independent, free university system, which in turn is an integral part of a secure democratic basic order.
In this sense, this work is also an appeal to safeguard democracy and the rule of law in Europe in general and in Austria in particular. Free, future-oriented teaching that emphasises human rights and dignity requires a liberal, democratic university system essentially inspired by an uncompromising commitment to fundamental rights.
The teaching of international law has traditionally been of great importance at the University of Innsbruck. This work builds on this tradition and attempts to develop it further in the light of new challenges.