People in front of the Nordkette in Innsbruck

The conference was attended by 114 people from 28 different countries.

PCNE 2025: Inter­na­tional con­fer­ence on clin­i­cal phar­macy

From February 5 to February 8, 2025, the Department of Clinical Pharmacy hosted the 14th Pharmaceutical Care Network Europe Working Conference

This year was the very first time that a PCNE conference was held in Austria. The choice of Innsbruck as the venue demonstrates the importance of the Department of Clinical Pharmacy (Institute of Pharmacy) at the University of Innsbruck within the international community.

The conference attracted 114 participants representing 28 different countries. Attendees had the privilege of following four insightful plenary lectures delivered by experts like Prof. Dr. Kurt E. Hersberger & Anna Bollinger from the University of Basel (Switzerland),  Prof. Dr. Anita Elaine Weidmann from the Innsbruck University, Assoc. Prof. Kreshnik Hoti from the University of Prishtina (Republic of Kosovo) and Prof Timothy F. Chen from the University of Sydney (Australia).

Additionally, the conference consisted of five workshops, each lasting 12 hours. This synergy of lectures and workshops provided a unique environment for learning, sharing of experiences, and networking among professionals in the field. Following the success of this event, members of the Department of Clinical Pharmacy, including Dr. Ivana Tadic—who has also been appointed as the PCNE president—have the opportunity to host the PCNE event once again in 2026.

(Ivana Tadic)

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