Third Mission
In addition to research and teaching, knowledge transfer (third mission) is one of the university's central tasks. Third mission refers to the university's mission to make knowledge available to society and usable for the economy and at the same time to absorb impulses from the non-university world for research and teaching.
Third Mission

Supercomputer and quantum computer in harmony
Working together, the University of Innsbruck and the spin-off AQT have integrated a quantum computer into a high-performance computing (HPC) environment for the first time in Austria. This hybrid infrastructure of supercomputer and quantum computer can now be used to solve complex problems in various fields such as chemistry, materials science or optimization.

Gletscher in Gefahr: Jedes Zehntelgrad zählt
Ein internationales Forscher*innen-Team mit Beteiligung des Innsbrucker Glaziologen Fabien Maussion beschreibt im Fachmagazin Science mit bisher einzigartiger Genauigkeit das Schicksal aller Gletscher weltweit je nach Temperaturszenarien zwischen +1,5°C und +4°C Erhitzung. Aktuell steuert die Welt in Richtung +3°C, was zum Verlust von 75 Prozent der Gletscher bis 2100 führen würde. Die Forscher*innen appellieren: Jedes Zehntelgrad weniger zählt, um das Abschmelzen einzudämmen.

Chip with Austrian quantum architecture operational
The Japanese IT group NEC has built the first quantum processor with the ParityQC architecture. The Parity technology was invented at the University of Innsbruck and is being further refined and marketed by the quantum spin-off ParityQC. NEC is now making the quantum computer, which specializes in optimization problems, available to the scientific community via the cloud.