Individual Evaluation

Depending on the employment relationship, academic staff are subject to an evaluation.

Evaluation of senior lecturer

If there is a possibility of a senior lecturer position being made permanent, an evaluation of performance within the framework of the existing contract is planned. The procedure developed for this is based on the personal evaluation of academic staff (see UG 2002 §14 para. 7).


The procedure and the guidelines for preparing the self-evaluation report are available for download at UniWiki.

Evaluation of scientific staff

In a 5-year cycle, all academic staff who have permanent or fixed-term contracts of more than 5 years are evaluated (see UG 2002 §14 para. 7).


Information on the evaluation process can be found at UniWiki, where you can download the guidelines for preparing the self-evaluation report.

For further information, please contact our colleagues at QS Research.

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