Students and Feedback

By participating in the various surveys and evaluations, you have the opportunity to anonymously share your experiences and suggestions for improving your degree programme. Your feedback provides the University of Innsbruck with valuable information about how you experience your degree programme. As a result, targeted measures can be taken to further develop your studies and teaching. With your feedback you support the quality process in studying and teaching.

Surveys and evaluations during studies

Course Analysis

The regular, anonymous survey of students on courses.

First Semester Survey

BA, MA and diploma students give feedback on the start and progress of their degree programme.

Anonymity and data protection

All surveys as well as the evaluations and analyses of the Office for Quality Management in Teaching are carried out in compliance with the applicable data protection regulations. All feedback is anonymised and the software used guarantees the possibility of anonymous surveys. Of course, we also guarantee the anonymous processing of the collected data for "paper surveys". Further information on data protection can be found here:

Give feedback

Try to describe your perception clearly and concretely.

Explain the effect.

If you wish, formulate suggestions for improvement.

Your feedback should be constructive, precise and respectful.

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