How to use ECM?

For the creation of mind maps, Tony Buzan (2010) proposes the model of a tree. The main concept (a word or an image) is placed in the center, from which then different branches are drawn, each of them signifying other concepts associated with the main one. These branches can be drawn in a creative manner, without restrictions. From the branches, new concepts arise, which – at the same time – can become central concepts to start a new mind map. This resembles the radiant thinking of the brain and helps us imagine conflict transformation as a complex and creative exercise.

Conflict images

In the praxis of elicitive conflict transformation, a meaningful exercise is to place the main topic of the episode in the center and to position it on one of the sides of the thematic pyramid. Starting from here, raising the basic questions about why, what, where, who, when and how can become the first branches to shed light on the darker sides of the surrounding layers or they can complete the perception of the episode.

As regards the actors of elicitive conflict transformation, we can use the ECM at least in three different ways:

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